

The Studies on the Record and Conservation of Photo Ink-jet Papers and Coating Properties

【作者】 赵媛斐

【导师】 赵传山;

【作者基本信息】 山东轻工业学院 , 制浆造纸工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文总结了国内外喷墨打印技术和高分辨率数码相纸的研究、发展现状及国内外存在的差距,针对目前高光泽彩喷纸记录特性及保存性能方面的要求,对涂布工艺及涂料配方进行了深入探讨,主要工作及成果包括以下几个方面:1.涂布工艺的探讨为实现高光泽彩喷纸记录特性的要求,即克服吸墨性与光泽度之间的矛盾,实验中采用积层涂布的方式,在经底涂压光的纸张上,按先后顺序分别涂布吸墨层、光泽层。涂布方式为机涂、刮棒涂布,涂布量为8~10g/m2为宜。底涂和面涂吸墨层均采用电热板加热干燥的方式,温度105℃,时间3min;面涂光泽层采用上光机铸涂干燥的方式,上光机表面温度85~90℃,顶紧辊压力为500N/m,干燥3min左右,涂布量为8~10g/m2。2.涂料配方的探讨(1)底涂涂料基本配方:CaCO3溶液固含量46%,PVA溶液固含量10%,CaCO3:PVA=3/1,CMC用量1.0%(相对于颜料),其它微量助剂。(2)吸墨层涂料基本配方:颜料/胶粘剂=2/1,颜料为微米级SiO2,胶粘剂为PVA,保水剂CMC的用量为1.0%(相对于颜料),其它微量助剂。(3)光泽层涂料基本配方:颜料/胶粘剂=2/3,颜料为纳米级SiO2,胶粘剂为PVA,保水剂CMC的用量为1.0%(相对于颜料),其它微量助剂。3.微量助剂的探讨(1)低聚糖A和二价金属盐B的加入,能同时改善涂布成纸记录特性及保存性能;(2)涂料中低聚糖A较适宜的加入量为:低聚糖A/涂料固形物总质量=15%;(3)涂料中二价金属盐B较适宜的加入量为:二价金属盐B/涂料固形物总质量=10%;(4)涂料中阳离子固色剂PD较适宜的加入量为:PD/涂料固形物总质量=2.4%。4.涂料涂布适性及机理的探讨(1)对于纳米二氧化硅的分散,需要结合多种分散方式(如高速搅拌与超声波分散相结合),才能有效地对纳米粒子的团聚形进行分散。(2)对胶粘剂的迁移机理作以简单的探讨。(3)接触角可定量地描述纸张表面抗水性能,接触角越大,纸张的抗水性能越高。

【Abstract】 The current status of development, the preparation and application of ink-jet technology and glossy digital color ink-jet paper in and abroad were summarized in this paper. Meanwhile, the coating formulations and coating technologies were discussed in order to improve the recording and preservation properties of the glossy digital color ink-jet paper. As a result, main researches were carried out as follows:1. Coating technologiesCoating for three times, and the coating weight was 8~10 g/m2 each time. The basic coating was for smoothness, the second coating for ink-absorption and the third for gloss. The electric hot plate drying was used for the first and second coating , at 105℃, 3min;while the last coating were dried by cast coating, at 85~90℃, 3min, the pressure of cast coating for once was 500N/m. The base coating papers were calendared.2. COATING FORMULATIONS(1) Basic coating formulations solid contents: CaCO3=46%, PVA=10% CaCO3:PVA=3/1, dosage of CMC (to pigment)=1.0%, and less anti-foams and so on.(2) Ink-absorption coating formulations Mic-SiO2/PVA=2/1, dosage of CMC (to pigment)=1.0%, and less anti-foams and so on.(3) Glossy coating formulations nano-SiO2/PVA=3/2, CMC/pigment=1.0%, and less anti-foams and so on.3. Minim additive agentsThe coatings which were added with oligo-maltose and salt B could improve the paper’s properties. The best dose: maltose/the solid =15%, salt B/ the solid =10%, PD/ the solid =2.4%.4. Coating properties and mechanism(1)In order to divived nano-SiO2 effectivelr, several divide disperse manners should be used.(2)Transference of binders was be discussed.(3)Water-resistance of paper could be quantitative anylyzed by contact angle, the larger of the contact angles, the better of the water-resistance.


