

Children’s Indoor Products Growth Research

【作者】 刘媛媛

【导师】 魏嘉;

【作者基本信息】 山东轻工业学院 , 设计艺术学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 儿童是一个成长变化的特殊消费群体。在为他们设计与其成长密切相关的室内产品时,应当深入细致地研究他们的成长规律,为他们设计出在不同成长阶段都能真正满足需要的产品,促进儿童的健康成长。基于这样的目的,本论文在查阅大量的儿童心理学资料和调研目前市场上儿童室内产品的基础上,把0-12岁的儿童作为研究设计的对象,把室内产品定位于可用以休息、娱乐和学习的产品。根据儿童自身生理、心理的成长规律入,将0-12岁的儿童分为三个时期来研究。0-1岁的新生婴儿,生理需要是第一位的,对睡眠质量具有较高的要求,对母体的依恋和对皮肤接触的期盼表现明显,因此与婴儿直接接触的寝具产品是设计的重点,设计要满足婴儿的成长需要,可以从材质、色彩、工艺等方面实现。2-5岁的儿童需要借助某种中介来认识世界,这种中介就是玩具,可以说儿童正是借助玩具这种中介对自己的社会角色形成了最初的认识,玩具应当在安全的前提下根据儿童不同的游戏阶段来设计,并且追求形式简单、蕴意深远。比如2、3岁的儿童处于从单独游戏向平行游戏过渡阶段,玩具的设计可以从培养儿童的语言能力、认识能力、动作能力等方面考虑,而4、5岁的儿童处于从联合游戏向合作游戏过渡阶段,玩具的设计应满足群体游戏的需要、具有功能整合性以及体现性别之分;6-12岁的学龄期儿童增加了学习及与人交往的内容,儿童家具能够很好的同时满足他们发展友情、展示自我的需要,安全、可变化、具有娱乐性是儿童家具成长性的体现,本文从家具可调整的结构、中性色彩,以及满足该阶段儿童爱玩心态的游戏家具等方面入手,体现儿童家具的成长性。本论文的创新之处在于正视并深入研究儿童自身成长变化规律,以此作为研究儿童室内产品设计的依据,试图改变目前儿童室内产品出于商家逐利或迎合家长的目的,而造成的良莠不齐的设计局面,对于目前同类产品的设计现状具有一定的理论借鉴意义,企业在对产品进行研发之前,通过参考本论文研究的理论成果,可以避免一些重复性劳动,甚至提供一些设计思路和方法,从而节省一定的社会成本,甚或创造出一定的社会价值。

【Abstract】 Children are a special group of consumers who keep growing and changing. When designing indoor products which have close connection with their growing, we should make deep research on their growth pattern before products that veritably meet their needs of different phases are designed, so that the children can grow up in perfect health.On such a purpose and on the premise of an abundant perusal of children-psychological documents as well as investigations and researches on children’s indoor products, I would define in this thesis indoor products as products that can be used for relaxation, entertainment and study. According to both the physical and the psychological growth rules of children, we can carry out the research by dividing children of 0-12 age group into three periods.As for infants of 0-1 age group, when physical needs are considered as the most important, when there’s a comparatively higher requirement on sleep quality, and when psychological needs are mainly in the form of emotional ties to their mothers and the expectation on skin contacts, the product design should be focused on sleeping appliance which have direct contact with infants, and the design can be realized in the aspects of materials, colors and crafts in order to satisfy children’s growth needs. For kids of 2-5 age group, a certain kind of medium is needed for them to know the world better, and toys are the right medium. We can say that it is through such a medium that children are able to form the basic knowledge of the social rules they themselves play, so toys are preferably designed in accordance with their different game phases on the premise of safety. For example, since children of 2 or 3 years old are in an transitional phase from individual playing to parallel playing, toy designing can take into consideration the cultivation of children’s language ability, cognition ability as well as action ability, while since 4-5 year-old children are on another transitional phase from joint playing to cooperative playing, the design of toys should satisfy the need of group game and have conformity of the functions and be gender-specific. In addition, the design of children toys should be of a simple form and deep implied meaning. As the 6-12 year-old Children who are in the school period begin to study and communicate with others children toys should satisfy their need of developing friendship and displaying themselves. Safety, changeableness and entertainment are the embodiment of the growth property of children furniture. This paper shall reveal the growth property of children furniture by talking about adaptable structures, neutral colors and game furniture that can content children who love playing.The innovation of this paper lies in that the author envisages and does some in-depth studies of children’s own growth pattern. And then the designs of children’s indoor products will be studied in order to change the complexion in which good and bad designs intermingle and this complexion is caused by manufacturers’pursuit of interest and catering for parents. The thesis offers a reference for the actual product designs at a theoretic level. By consulting the theoretic outcome of this paper before exploring a product an enterprise shall avoid some repeated work and even be provided with some ideas and methods of designing. Thus some social cost shall be saved and some social value shall be even created. The expatiated theory that children are growing is also an enlightenment for other kinds of children products.


