

Research on Service Marketing Pattern in Small and Medium-Sized Knowledge Enterprise

【作者】 李言

【导师】 张忠明;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的进步和世界经济的发展,我们正经历着从工业经济向知识经济跨越的历史性阶段。在这个阶段,各国政府纷纷把知识型企业作为发展的重点,来保证国民经济的持续、快速和健康的发展。本文以知识型中小企业作为研究对象,通过对国内外相关领域的研究以及对知识型中小企业的实际调研,发现我国知识型中小企业从竞争实力上相对而言缺乏大型企业对市场的垄断地位,又受到资金、人才缺乏等问题的困扰,没有合适的理论指导企业的营销活动,使得这类企业的生存与发展受到了严峻的考验。而服务营销作为目前倍受瞩目的营销理论,具有合作、沟通、双赢等特点,可以与知识型中小企业很好的相匹配,是适合知识型中小企业的营销方式之一。本文通过理论研究以及对知识型中小企业的实际调研,尝试在已有服务营销理论模型中加入相关因素,改进成为知识型中小企业服务营销模型,论述模型中各层次在具体运作中的作用,并在随后案例研究中讨论了知识型中小企业使用服务营销模式的可行性与适用性。文章结构上,首先介绍了论文的研究背景、目的、内容及研究思路。在第二章中,对研究对象知识型企业以及知识型员工的概念与特点进行了研究。在第三章中对我国知识型中小企业的现状与困境进行了分析,并提出采用服务营销理论解决企业在营销中出现的问题。随后,在第四章中介绍了服务营销的概念与模型,服务营销与传统营销的区别。最后在第五章中,结合前人的理论研究与实际调研情况,提出知识型中小企业服务营销模型和一些基本假设,通过对所跟踪调查企业的一手资料整理与回顾,详细阐述服务营销在知识型中小企业中的具体应用。

【Abstract】 Along with scientific and technological progress and the development of the world economy, we are across the historic stage from the industrial economy to a knowledge economy. At this stage, governments in many countries treat the knowledge-based enterprises as the focus of development to ensure the national economy’s sustained, rapid and healthy development. In this paper, a Small and Medium-sized Knowledge Enterprises as a research object. Under the domestic and international relevant research in the field of Small and Medium-sized Knowledge Enterprises and the investigation, Chinese Small and Medium-sized Knowledge Enterprises has been found from the competition on the strength of the relative lack of large-scale enterprises in terms of market dominance, with limit funds, lack of personnel issues such as troubled, there have been no suitable theoretical guidance enterprise marketing efforts, making this the survival and development of enterprises was put to a severe situation. Service Marketing as the current marketing theory has much attention with cooperative, communication, and the characteristics of a win-win situation, and good match is suitable for a Small and Medium-sized Knowledge Enterprises. In this paper, theoretical research and Small and Medium-sized Knowledge Enterprises on the basis of the actual research to the existing theoretical model of marketing services add relevant factors, as a Small and Medium-sized Knowledge Enterprises to improve service marketing model, the model discussed at various levels in specific operational role, and in the subsequent discussion of the use of Small and Medium-sized Knowledge Enterprises service marketing feasibility and applicability of the model.Firstly, this article introduces research backgroud, objectives, content and research mentality. In the second chapter, this paper studies the characteristics of knowledge-based enterprises, as well as the concept of knowledge-based staff. In the third chapter we analysis of small and medium-sized knowledge enterprise’s present situation and the situation in our country and then proposed that uses the service marketing theroy solution the problem. In the fourth chapter, introduces the service marketing and the model, discussing the difference between service marketing and the traditional marketing. Finally in the fifth chapter, unifies predecessor’s fundamental research and the actual investigation to propose a small and medium-sized knowledge enterprise service marketing model. Through to a tracking investigation enterprise’s data, compilation and the review, elaborate the concrete application of the service marketing in detail in the small and medium-sized knowledge enterprise.


