

Research on the Modularize Design of Downhole Motors Based on Solidworks

【作者】 马会来

【导师】 郑清春;

【作者基本信息】 天津理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 螺杆钻具是石油工业重要的井下作业工具,由于井下的工况条件复杂所以螺杆钻具的设计形式也会随着工况条件的变化而变化。本系统是针对螺杆钻具设计工作的变化性较大这一特点开发的综合设计系统,基于Solidworks三维设计软件强大的API函数,应用Visual C++对Solidworks进行二次开发,螺杆钻具综合开发系统主要创新及内容概要如下:1、结合了模块化建模技术,对螺杆钻具的整体结构以功能为依据进行了模块划分,对螺杆钻具的零部件进行归类,使产品组合方便而且多样,大大简化了设计流程;2、在用Solidworks进行实体建模中运用自顶向下的设计方法,从产品的整体框架着手进行设计,对相关的零部件设定约束关联,这样使得在产品设计过程中的任何修改都会使相关联的零部件产生相应的变动,避免了重复设计,大大提高了设计效率;3、本系统是基于Solidworks的二次开发系统,但区别于当今较流行的Solidworks二次开发模式的是,本系统是独立于Solidworks三维软件外的独立可执行程序(.exe),在对零件进行设计规划的同时可以完成相应的一些数据存储和管理工作,是集设计和管理于一体的综合设计系统。

【Abstract】 Down-hole motor is an important tool in the petroleum industry. As the working-condition underground is very complex, with the working-condition changed, the design of down-dole motor will be changed. The integrated design system is design for the down-dole screw drill-design which has much variability. Based on the powerful API Functions of Solidworks 3D design software , make the three party development on Solidworks with VC++. Down-hole motor integrated development system innovation and the main contents are summarized as follows:(1) With combine the modular modeling technology , the system compartmentalize the overall structure of down-dole motor to several modules which based on the functions of drill, class the components of down-dole motor, make the combination of production convenience and multiplicity, simplify the design process greatly.(2) Use the Top-Down design method to modeling in Solidworks, launch on the overall-frame of production to design, set the relative components some constraints that any modification in some components during the design that bring some changes of other relative components, improve the design efficiency greatly.(3) This system is the three party development system which based on Solidworks, but it is different from the mainstream mode of the second development of Solidworks is that the system is a stand-alone application (.exe) which is independent of Solidworks ,not the Add-in(.dll) of it. It can design the production and at the same time can finish the saving data works and some managing works. It is the integrated system which can finish the design tasks and management tasks.


