

Design and Performance Analysis of a New Type of Volumetric Flowmeter

【作者】 薛爱芬

【导师】 鲁阳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 一般力学与力学基础, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在工业生产自动化中,流量仪表是过程自动化仪表与装置中的大类仪表之一,广泛地应用于国民经济各个领域。流量计的分类有很多,由于测量原理的不同,各种流量计均有一定针对性。在新型流量测量仪表不断出现的同时,传统流量测量仪表依然得到广泛的应用与发展,继续在现代测量控制系统中发挥重要的作用。容积式流量计是液压系统中精度较高的一种,安装方便,应用范围广,量程范围宽,拥有广泛的需求。本文即是在容积式流量计的基础之上设计了一种新型的异型腔流量计,进一步优化其性能。本文设计的这种异型腔流量计由一个异型柱面内腔的柱体,上盖板,下盖板,转子及两对组合滑板组成。该异型腔流量计具有防倒转,磨损自补偿能力,测量精度较高,灵活性较高等优点。接下来分析其工作原理,设计其组装顺序以及探讨在设计时需注意的事项。加工完成后在试运行时发现该滑板的设计中存在的问题并提出相应改进方案。期间,探讨了研究流量计过程当中必须考虑的三个问题:1.摩擦阻抗问题。流量计工作过程当中发生的磨损问题大部分是由于摩擦阻抗引起的;2.科氏加速度问题。由于滑板在转子的十字槽内作平动运动,同时又随着转子转动,于是产生了科氏加速度和科氏惯性力。探讨科氏惯性力对滑板强度的影响;3.振动问题。异型腔流量计的振动主要是由滑板在1/4椭圆段产生,分析该处滑板的力学振动问题。并分析了引起流量计振动的内部因素和外部因素,以及消振的措施。本文还在容积式流量计的基础之上分析了异型腔流量计的误差特性,及提高精度的方法。搭建简易的实验台,实验证明加工出来的流量计的运转正常,验证了流量计结构设计和工作原理的正确性。对异型腔流量计进行实流标定,并提出一套标定异型腔流量计的实验装置的方案,其工作原理为比较由流量指示表的读数和从标准容积上读出流量体积,简述了试验装置。并在理论分析和实验结果基础上提出了一些问题有待进一步的研究和探讨。

【Abstract】 During the industrial automation,flow instrument is one kind of the automation meters widely used in metallurgy.Because every flow meter has its advantage.Up to now,there’s no flow meter which can be used in all function,for every kind of flow meter has its limitation to the mediator,the characteristic of the outflow variation and the capability to adapt to the environment.Although new types of flow meters appear, the traditional ones are still in use and play an important roll in modem measurement control system.This thesis designed a new type of volumetric flow meter --shaped-chamber flow meter and analyzed the performance of the flow meter.The shaped-chamber flow meter consists of an inner shaped-chamber cylinder with an inlet,an outlet and a guide groove,an upside cover plate,a downside cover plate and a rotor with cruciform slot and two units of slide plate with elastic elements. The cylinder with shaped-chamber inner composes of a 1/4 elliptical,1/2 great circle, 1/4 small circle and a ladder flat surface.This structure prevents the flow meter from contra rotating,and makes compensation for wear.The thesis introduces the operating principle of the flow meter,the subsequence of the package and the matters need attention during design.After treatment,find there’s a problem in the slide plate and put forward a plan to improve.During the thesis,I consider about the three questions we should consider(1) Friction resistance.The attrition abrasion happened during the process of flow meter. (2)Coriolis acceleration.Because slide plate do translational slip in the cruciform slot and at the same time rotate with the rotor,so generate Coriolis acceleration.Then discussed the impaction the inertia force on the intensity of the slide plate.(3)Vibration.The vibration mainly happened in the 1/4 elliptical.I analyzed the situation of the vibration and the element which creates the vibration and put forward method to reduce vibration..The thesis analyzed the error characteristic of the shaped-chamber flow meter based on the analysis of the volumetric flow meter.Take out a scheme to standardize the flow meter.The normal operation of the flow meter shows the rightness of the principle and the structure.At last,I present the recommendation on the improvement of the measuring system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 11期
  • 【分类号】TH814
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】272

