

【作者】 刘岳启

【导师】 张琨;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 量子密码学是建立在量子计算基础上,是量子力学与密码通信相结合的一门新兴学科。目前,量子密码学的研究引起了人们的广泛兴趣,并且在理论和实践方面都取得了重要的进展。本文主要研究了量子密钥共享和量子身份认证。首先阐述了量子密码学的物理学基础,分析了量子密钥分发协议,介绍了量子隐形传态的基本理论和过程。其次讨论了量子密钥共享,分别用三粒子纠缠GHZ态和W态来完成单量子位量子密钥共享方案,并比较了两种纠缠态的不同;分析了用四个粒子和五个粒子的纠缠GHZ态来完成双量子位的密钥共享方案。提出了利用五个粒子的纠缠GHZ态来完成三个粒子纠缠态的隐形传态,从而实现三个量子位的密钥共享;与第3.5节的方案相比,在没有增加粒子数的前提下,提高了量子位的传输,为量子密钥共享传递更多量子位提供了理论基础。最后研究了量子身份认证系统,分析了基于远程传态的点对点量子身份认证,分别讨论了利用测量基编码,随机穿插技术与定位穿插技术的量子身份认证方案,并比较了它们的优缺点;分析了定位穿插技术与EPR对分发密钥的身份认证方案。讨论了量子密钥扩展的不同方法,并提出了取反法和隔位插入法。分析了在网络环境下的量子身份认证技术,提出了一种基于EPR纠缠交换的量子身份认证方案,并分析了安全性;提出了在分布式网络环境下,通信双方共享密钥串,利用纠缠交换技术进行身份认证的方案,并分析了采用EPR对不同分发技术,方案的可行性。

【Abstract】 Built on the basis of quantum calculation, quantum cryptography is a new research field combining quantum mechanics and cryptographic communication. At present, the research of quantum cryptography has aroused the widespread interest among people and has made important progress in theory and practice.The quantum secret sharing and quantum identity authentication is discussed in this paper.At first, this paper elaborated the physics basis of quantum cryptography, analyzed the distribution agreement of quantum secret key and introduced the basic theory and process of quantum teleportation.Secondly, this paper discussed the quantum secret sharing. By the GHZ state and W state of three-particle entanglement respectively, the plan of the single quantum and quantum secret sharing was completed, and the differences between the two entangled states were compared. Meanwhile, the paper analyzed how to finish the double-quantum-bit secret key sharing scheme by manipulating four and five-particle entanglement GHZ. So this paper made use of five-particle entanglement GHZ to put-through the three-particle entanglement teleportation in order to realize the three-quantum secret sharing. Compared with the program in the fifth section in third chapter, it enhanced the quantum transmission without increasing the number of particles, and formed a theoretical basis for transmitting more quanta in quantum secret sharing.At last, this paper considered the quantum identity authentication system. Based on the analysis of remote point-to-point quantum identity authentication, there are many contents were discussed, such as quantum identity programs of the use of measuring basic coding, random interlude technology and arresting interlude technology. Moreover the advantages and the disadvantages among them were presented also. In addition, the scheme of quantum identity authentication was analyzed on the basis of arresting interlude technology and distributing secret key by EPR entanglement. Furthermore, the different methods of the quantum secret key expansion were discussed, and a negation making method and an insertion method were proposed too. In addition, this chapter analyzed the quantum identity authentication technology in the network environment and brought forward a scheme of quantum identity authentication based on the swapping of the EPR entanglement and analyzed its security. Thus a scheme of sharing secret key string between two sides in the distributed network environment was presented. It made use of the entanglement swapping to authenticate the identity. Finally, the feasibility of adopting different technology to distribute EPR entanglement was analyzed.

  • 【分类号】TN918.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】206

