

【作者】 陈科星

【导师】 徐志良;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 汽车构件的疲劳试验是汽车设计、研究中不可或缺的必要过程。本文按照南京驰力汽车传动装置有限公司技术要求,深入研究了扭转疲劳试验机电气控制系统。由于被测工件的种类较多,导致其试验参数的大范围变化,不同的工件有着不同的试验参数。在经过对多种方案进行详细的论证、研究、分析、比较并结合工程实际的特殊要求后,最终确定了合适可行的方案。上位机软件采用VC++6.0进行设计,主要用它来开发一个人机交互界面,对试验台发出控制命令、可以打印采集到的扭矩数据并同时将数据进行保存以便查询、对异常情况进行处理;下位机硬件主要完成电气控制部分的设计,包括电机的控制、电机的驱动、扭矩信号的采集和接口电路的设计。在搭建完整个电气控制系统后,再配合软件进行总体调试。本系统在安装调试完成后能够按照给定参数进行工件测试,在工作过程中实时显示工件的受力情况,可以自动停机、保存试验数据,可以随时打印试验波形、查询试验数据,也能够根据不同异常情况进行不同的处理,自动监控试验进行。目前该试验机已投入使用,从试验的结果来看,系统工作可靠,控制精度高,操作方便,性能良好,它的研制是成功的、实用的,大大提高了疲劳试验机的自动化程度。

【Abstract】 The fatigue test of automotive component is an integral part of the necessary process in car design and research. in this paper, according to the technical requirements of the nanjing automobile company, I have In-depth study on the electrical control system of reverse fatigue testing machine. as much type the object has, lead to their diversity on the control parameters, such as angle and speed. after detail study, research, analysis on a variety of programs and the special requirements of engineering. I ultimately determine the most appropriate options.Computer software use the VC++ 6.0 to develop a human-computer interface which can give a control order to the object, print and save the collected data in order to enquiry, deal with abnormal situations and so on. Computer hardware mainly complete the design of electrical control system, including motor-controlled, motor-driven, torque signal- acquisition and the design of interface circuit. after complete the all electrical control system, debugging coupled with the overall software.It allows the object working accord to the parameters we setted. and can display its working states real-time, automatically shut down the motor, save data. also it can print waveform anytime, enquiry experimental data and make the appropriate treatment according to the different abnormal situation, monitor the exprement automatically. at present, the system has been put into use, according the results from the test, it reliable, hign precision, easy to operate and good performance. its development is successful, practical, and greatly increasing the degree of automation on the fatigue test.

【关键词】 疲劳试验人机交互界面MFC
【Key words】 Fatigue Testhuman-computer interfaceMFC
  • 【分类号】U467.5;TP273
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】222

