

【作者】 侯欣强

【导师】 符意德; 徐文波;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着金融电子化的深入发展,银行自助设备的种类及数量越来越多,银行业务量的快速提高,自助设备已经在银行服务渠道中占据重要位置。随着自助服务渠道的不断完善,运营效率、运营成本、管理水平和盈利能力的高低,将成为决定银行核心竞争力高低的关键因素。因此,自助类设备的监控和管理已经成为各大银行共同关注的问题。本文以作者主持并参与设计、开发的上海农行ATM监控管理系统为背景,结合多个银行实际需要,构建一套完整的基于B/S和C/S混合结构的自助设备监管系统,定义了一套符合银行实际管理需要的流程,尤其是对设备出现故障后的解决过程,提供了完整的自动化的跟踪体系,对设备的状态和交易的管理也提供了一个平台。同时,本文也对该系统关键部分的相关技术进行了探讨。论文对所设计系统的体系架构、解决方案以及子系统的详细设计都进行了阐述。基于C++编程实现的数据收集系统和中心调度系统满足了金融行业系统对效率和稳定性的要求。基于JAVA语言开发的WEB应用系统既提供了友好的使用界面,也保证了系统的可移植性。通过对系统主要交易中的主要数据进行加密,使得系统安全性得以保证。系统还采取软、硬件等措施提供灾难恢复的途径,保证整体系统的数据安全性。利用这套系统,银行能充分提高对自助设备的监管力度,并为银行操作员、厂商的考核提供有力的依据,达到提高人员工作效率,提高银行服务质量之目的。本系统开发完成后应用于多个商业银行,取得了预期的效果。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the kinds and quantity of self-serving facilities are booming with computer technology to being applied to banking industry comprehensively. The self-serving devices play an important role in the service channel of banking. The superiority over competitors will come from the efficiency, cost, management and profit of service channel. Hence, the management requests for serf-serving terminals are more exigent than before.This article is based on a real system, ATM Monitoring & Management System for Shanghai branch of Agriculture Bank of China. With the requirements from different banks, the objectives of this system are to build a perfect monitoring & management system for self-serving devices base on the mode with Browser/Server and Client/Server combined. It has defined a whole process to cater for the needs from banking industry. Especially, it provides a whole process to tracking the process when a device has some issues. Meanwhile, it tries to discuss the new technology applied in this system and to expatiate on the architecture、whole solution、design of the system and sub systems. The systems developed by C++ programming language meet the needs for efficiency and stability. The web system base on Java programming language can provide friendly user interfaces and also portability. The key data are encrypted in transaction to ensure the data safety of this system. The system also provides the ways for data recovery.By using this system, it will highly enhance the level of monitoring and management for self-serving devices and also provide the data support to assess the work of service forces from banking or manufacture. It achieved the goal of improving the work efficiency and service level. The system has already been applied to different banks in China and achieved the goal meet the needs from customers.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】179

