

【作者】 王坚

【导师】 王玲; 陈双龙;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 软件工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 尽管软件系统开发已经发展到大量应用WebServer新技术阶段,B/S结构的运行模式以其优于C/S模式的易于扩展、维护简单等显著特点得到广泛应用,但其响应速度慢,功能弱化,难以实现C/S模式下的特殊功能要求。C/S结构的运行模式由于其稳定性好、安全性高、响应速度快、个性化强等特点,现在仍然被广泛应用于大型应用系统中。本文在客户机/服务器模式基础上,采用结构化方法和概念设计E-R模型设计并实现了“中等学校招生考试管理系统”,本文所做的工作和取得的成果主要体现在以下几个方面:1、详细研究了目前管理信息系统的模型,讨论了B/S结构和C/S结构及其优缺点。2、对“中等学校招生考试管理系统”进行了详细的分析设计,提出了基于C/S结构的中等学校招生考试管理系统的总体功能框架,采用结构化方法详细设计了该系统的数据流程图和E-R模型。3、编程实现了“中等学校招生考试管理系统”,该系统功能全、效率高,已在连云港市2007年中等学校招生考试工作中投入使用,取得了良好的效果。

【Abstract】 Although the software system development has already developed to the massive application to the Web Server new technology stage, the B/S structure operation pattern is widely used because it surpasses the C/S pattern by being easy to expand, the simple maintenance and so on, but its speed of response was slow, the function attenuated, and it realized under the C/S pattern special function request with difficulty. The C/S structure operation pattern, because of its stability, the high security, the speed of response quick, the individuality and so on, now still is applied widely in the large-scale application system.Based on client/server architecture, this paper designs and implements "the middle school test management system", using structured methodology and conceptual designed E-R model .In this paper, research work and achievement is processed as following:1.Analyzing the present model of technology management system in details, and discussing the B/S structure and the C/S structure and its good and badpoints.2.This paper analyzes and designs "the middle school test management system ", presents overall functional framework of the system based on C/S model, contrives the data flow diagram and E-R model of the system by using structured methodology.3.This paper implements "the middle school test management system ". This system has been employed in the work of the middle school test of Lianyungang City in 2007.This system is proved to be efficient and functional all-round.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】158

