

Study on Overall Technology of MRLS’s Firing Control System

【作者】 刘伟

【导师】 庄志洪; 徐中信;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过对某型多管火箭的火控系统总体技术的研究,提出火控系统进行适应性改进的总体方案。详细论证了火控系统组成、功能及战技指标;研究并建立了多管火箭弹道模型,建立了火箭弹滑轨段、火箭弹离轨到子母战斗部分离、开舱、子弹飞行的弹道模型;火箭炮自动操瞄调炮精度是影响射击精度的重要因素,本文对影响自动操瞄调炮精度的误差源进行了分析研究,导出了它们影响调炮精度的定量关系,并提出了一种可以提高操瞄调炮精度的控制方法,并在实际中得到应用,实际测试结果与理论计算结果较吻合;第五章详细介绍了火控系统工作方式,其中重点论证了作战流程、三种工作方式、接口关系及发控时序的设计;第六章采用高斯投影的方法解决GPS定位定向导航系统给出的美国WGS84坐标系,同我国炮兵目前应用的国家直角平面坐标系不统一的问题。通过几个方面的研究论证提出的火控系统总体方案,可以满足设计要求。

【Abstract】 The synthesis technologies of one kind of MRLS’s firing control system were researched on this paper, and the adaptive improvement was provided for overall conception.Detail demonstration on firing control system’ s formation, function and operational performance. The ballistic models on MRLS and the rocket in the parts of glide, separation from cargo, chamber-opening and sub-munitions flight path were created in this paper. The accuracy of gun moving by automatic operation and aiming was the critical factor to influence the precision of rocket and analyst on the error sources which would affect it. The fixed quantity relations which the error sources affect the accuracy of gun moving were derived. Then, a control method which it can raise the accuracy of gun moving was provided, and applied in live system. The results from test were coincided with theoretical calculation. The operation modes of firing control system were introduced in detail in fifth chapter, and the points on operation flow chart, three working models, interface relations and design launch and control time sequences were discussed. The Gauss projection was to solve the GPS provided the co-ordinates in USA WGS84 which the rectangular co-ordinates system applied in our artillery units were not unification.The overall conceptions of firing control system were discussed in serial plans which can meet the design requesting.

  • 【分类号】V421.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】315

