

【作者】 张小方

【导师】 陈兴淋;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 绩效管理的核心在于通过持续改进员工绩效,从而达到提高组织绩效的目的。绩效评估是绩效管理的一个重要环节,绩效评估的结果在很大程度上决定了各项人力资源管理职能能否取得预期效果,因而成为指导各项人力资源管理职能的“风向标”。与此相应的是,一些人力资源管理职能同时也对绩效管理系统提出了新的要求,绩效评估的结果往往成为薪酬分配、招聘选拔、培训开发、岗位调整的重要依据,因此,绩效评估方法是否能够准确地衡量员工的绩效水平在很大程度上决定了其他人力资源管理职能是否能够充分发挥应有的作用。2002年,金坛市供电公司率先在江苏省电力系统开展员工绩效考核工作,虽然绩效管理的体系还不健全,但是,在绩效考核工作方面积累了一定的操作经验,为进一步提升绩效管理水平奠定基础。当前,江苏省电力公司大力推进管理系统集成化、营销系统一体化、生产系统扁平化的管理模式,这就需要该公司进一步将传统人事管理向现代人力资源管理进行转变,努力提高公司的绩效管理水平。本文认真客观地分析了金坛市供电公司员工绩效管理中存在的问题和产生的原因,结合现代绩效管理的基本理论,提出了优化金坛市供电公司员工绩效管理的理论方法和相应的对策。

【Abstract】 The core of performance management is to improve organization performance by improving employee performance continually. Performance evaluation is one of the important parts of performance management. The result for performance evaluation, to a large degree that determines whether it gets an expectant impact, shows the core objective directly. It becomes, therefore, a vane to guide different kinds of functions of human resource management, some of which correspondingly gives a new demand for the system of performance evaluation. Thus, it is whether or not the way of performance evaluation judge performance levels of employees in a correct aspect that decides if functions of human resource management lead a full part.In 2002,the Jintan electric supply company develops evaluation of employee performance firstly in Jiangsu province. Though the system of performance management is not so perfect, there are some experiences in performance evaluation. It becomes the basis of improving performance management ulterior. Currently, Jiangsu electric supply company is developing the management mode of integrated management system, incorporated marketing system, and flat production system actively. The company should shift from the traditional personnel management to the modern one and improve performance management. In addition, the paper earnestly presents an objective analysis about existent problems and reasons of their birth in the course of performance evaluation of employees in the Jintan electric supply company. With the basic theory of the modern performance assessment, it is optimizing the theoretic approach of performance evaluation and its corresponding Countermeasure for employees in the Jintan electric supply company that comes into being.

  • 【分类号】F272;F426.61
  • 【下载频次】157

