

【作者】 杨卫东

【导师】 贾大龙; 陈戬升;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 工业工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,我国能源构成以煤为主,在一次能源消费中煤炭约占70%以上,每年排放SO2总量约为2000万吨,是世界上SO2排放量最大的国家。其中燃煤电厂锅炉SO2排放量约占全国SO2排放量的50%。为满足日趋严格的环保要求,保护生活环境和生态环境,改善环境质量,促进经济和环境的协调发展,扬州第二发电有限责任公司于2005年二期工程扩建的同时,同步配套了四台600MW级燃煤机组烟气脱硫项目。众所周知,项目管理包括质量、进度、费用管理三大部分。而作为EPC总承包项目,扬二电厂脱硫项目中的质量及进度控制则成为业主方管理的主要内容。本论文,从项目管理中进度及质量管理的基本理论出发,结合作者主持扬州二电厂脱硫项目的管理经验,讨论并研究这些理论、方法、措施在工程项目进度和质量控制过程中的具体应用。通过扬州二电厂两台扩建机组脱硫项目与主机系统同时投运、达标投产,两台脱硫系统改造项目提前投运并通过省环保厅组织的各项验收,四台机组脱硫项目全部一次性通过168小时性能考核试验的具体案例分析,进一步阐明了通过精心的组织、科学的管理、有效的控制手段,新建机组脱硫项目在完全可以实现和主机“三同时”的进度目标的同时,也可以实现“建精品工程,高标准达标投产”的质量目标。论文共分五个部分,第一部分提出了本论文的研究背景、研究的内容以及国内外脱硫项目管理的现状;第二部分简要介绍了项目进度与质量控制的基本理论;第三部分结合扬州二电厂脱硫项目的项目背景提出了本论文要研究和解决的问题;第四部分针对扬州二电厂脱硫项目执行过程中存在的部分进度及质量控制问题以进度、质量控制理论为指导思想给出了具体解决的措施和方法;第五部分总结了本论文的主要研究成果,并提出了作者对脱硫项目进一步研究的展望及建议。通过科学的项目进度和质量控制,扬州二电厂四台机组脱硫项目得以提前并达标投产,其中1#机组脱硫项目提前一年投产获得了不变电价加价(不含税加价0.014元/kwh)、提前减少SO2年排放量11690吨的实例证明:优良的质量控制及有效的进度控制不仅保证项目的顺利完成而且会给企业带来巨大的经济效益。

【Abstract】 For a long time, coal has been taken as dominant in construction of energy resources in China. Coal covers more than 70% approximately in consumption of primary energy, total sulfur dioxide emission per year are about 20 million tons. China is the largest country emitting sulfur dioxide in the world. sulfur dioxide emitted from boilers of coal-fired power plant amounts to about half percent of that of all china.To meet gradually strict environment protection requirement, to protect life and ecological environment, improve quality of environment, promote coordinative growth of economic and environment, Yangzhou No.2 Power Limited Company constructed extension phase project in Year 2005, and in parallel, constructed flue gas de-sulfurization project for four 600MW fossil units.It is well known that project management consists of quality, schedule and cost management. As an EPC project, quality and schedule management of de-sulfurization project of Yangzhou No.2 Power Plant, becomes major content of project management for the Owner’s side.This paper starts from fundamental theory of schedule and quality in project management, incorporates management experience achieved from de-sulfurization project of Yangzhou No.2 Power Plant as person in charge, discusses and studies the relevant principle and methods and measures of project schedule and quality control as well as their detailed applications in process of control of project progress; and based on detailed example, sets forth further, through well organization, scientific management and effective control method, project targets of progress and quality can be unified so as to rationalize and optimize project schedule plan, thus not only project can proceed continuously and evenly, and terms of project can be shorten, but also it is able to obtain better quality and lower cost.The actual example that de-sulfurization project for four units has completed in advance and has been compliance with Nation Standard, in which de-sulfurization project for unit 1has been completed in advance for one year and receives price addition of constant tariffs (RMB¥0.014 addition without tax), and also reduces sulfur dioxide emission of 11,690 tons, has proved that good quality management and effective progress control can bring enterprise with great economic efficiency, but its social efficiency and influence are furthermore far reaching.

  • 【分类号】F426.61
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】183

