

【作者】 濮华峰

【导师】 王树梅; 王建平;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 计算机技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 对软件项目实施有效的过程控制是保证软件项目成功的关键,然而在现实情况中,对于“软件项目的执行过程是否偏离计划轨道?”“偏离的幅度有多大?”“如何制定相应的对策?”这几个问题,项目管理者往往仅凭个人的经验和直觉做出判断和决策,具有很强的主观性和随意性,没有一个可以度量的方法,结果造成了项目前景的不可预知性,项目最终目标是否可以实现完全取决于项目管理者的经验和水平,这对于一个软件公司来说是一个巨大的风险。因此本文给出了一个软件过程度量模型,描述并分析了基于度量的软件过程分析和控制策略,在此基础上,结合实施CMMI的软件工程实践,设计了一个定量化管理方法,通过该方法可以动态地对软件项目的过程进行度量和控制。当项目的实际过程偏离计划轨道时,项目管理者利用本文给出的软件过程分析及控制策略,迅速做出最佳的控制决策,以确保项目的品质、成本和按期交付。

【Abstract】 An optimal control of software process is the key to guarantee the success of software project. But there are several problems in our practices, like those: "Is the software process behind schedule?" "Which size is the software process behind schedule?" "How can we make the process control decision?" The project managers usually make the process control decision by his experience and hunch scent. They have not a method for measuring software process. In this way, the future of the software project can not be controlled. The success of the software project is only decided by the experience of the project managers. It is a hard risk for a software company.Therefore, a model of software process measurement is presented ,and the strategies for analyzing and controlling based on measurement are described and analyzed. Based on this and the practice of implementing CMMI, a method for measuring software process is designed. Through this method, the software process can be measured and controlled dynamically. When the process behind schedule ,a project manager can immediately make an optimal process control decision to guarantee the quality,cost and delivery of the project by using the presented strategies of software process analysis and control.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】71

