

【作者】 任远航

【导师】 李军; 单梁;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 电力电子与电力传动, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 陀螺稳定平台近几年发展十分迅速,被广泛应用于弹(箭)制导、机载、舰载、车载武器等军事领域和工业系统、摄影成像等民用领域。本文以实际项目为背景,针对陀螺稳定平台的三轴空间耦合关系、稳定控制算法以及如何具体实现稳定平台功能等关键技术进行了理论研究和实验验证。本文研究了三轴稳定平台总体结构,分机械和伺服控制系统两部分对三轴稳定平台进行分析。根据三轴稳定平台空间架构对三轴稳定平台的信号耦合关系及其动力学方程进行了推导,从而将三轴多输入多输出系统转换为三个有联系的单输入单输出系统。为了保证视轴在一定扰动下稳定并能准确跟踪目标,采用单速率稳定环控制方法来抑制扰动,对单轴速率稳定环各环节进行了详细的分析,从而建立了单轴速率稳定环模型,并在单轴速率稳定环的基础上建立了三轴稳定环模型,将所建平台模型在MATLAB中仿真,得到了较好的仿真结果。合理规划控制系统硬件部分,将硬件部分分为输入板、主控板、输出板三块,主控板控制芯片选用运算能力强大并且外设齐全的DSP2812芯片,考虑到系统运算程度复杂且要求运算过程快速,用双DSP处理方式将输入信号处理和控制运算两部分分别在不同DSP中运算,从而保证能够在规定时间内完成从信号处理到控制运算输出整个过程。设计系统软件部分时根据双DSP结构规划程序模块,将程序模块分为解算DSP程序和控制DSP程序两部分,使得程序结构清晰,条理分明,便于系统的调试和维护。

【Abstract】 The gyro stabilized platform developed very rapidly in recent years, it is widely used in the military area and civil area such as missile seeker, airborne weapon, shipborne weapon, vehicular weapon, industrial systems, photography etc. this paper based on the actual project as the background, made out the theoretical research and experimental verification on some key technology, which included the three-axis space coupling relations of gyro stabilized platform, stability control algorithms and how to achieve stabilized platform etc.This paper researched the three-axis stabilized platform architecture, analyzed the three-axis stabilized platform on the part of mechanism and servo control system, derived the three-axis stabilized platform kinetic equation. thus the three-axis Multiple-input Multiple-output system could be converted into three connected Single-input Single-output system. A single-rate stabilized loop method is used to curb disturbance, ensured visual axis stabilizing at some disturbance and tracking target accurately. Analyzed the single-rate stabilized loop in all sectors of central, thus built the single-rate stabilized loop model, and built the three-axis stabilized loop based on the single-rate stabilized loop, simulating in the MATLAB, the model got a better simulation results. Reasonable planning control system hardware, the hardware was entered into input board, control board and output board. the control board’s control chip was DSP2812, it has powerful computing power and complete peripherals, because the extent of system calculate was very complex and the rate of system calculate was very fast, the Double DSP processing way was used, it put the input signal processing and control operation in the different DSP, ensured finishing the process that from signal processing to control output. The system software design was under the Double DSP processing way, it was divided into three part which was acquisition DSP program and control DSP program, in this way, the program was more clarity and clear, and it was easy to debugged and maintenanced.

【关键词】 三轴稳定平台耦合仿真DSP
【Key words】 Three-axis stabilized platformCoupledSimulationDSP
  • 【分类号】V241.5
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】1263

