

【作者】 王黔川

【导师】 顾金良; 郭建国;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 针对中国现在越来越明显的停车难、道路拥挤等问题,提出了一套智能泊车系统中的泊车咪表解决方案。智能泊车系统由泊车信息终端、泊车手持机、咪表和信息中心组成。咪表是智能泊车系统的通信枢纽,负责智能泊车系统各个模块间的数据转发、车位状态显示和停车计费。咪表系统采用嵌入式系统设计,处理器采用基于ARM9体系架构的三星S3C2440,操作系统采用了开放源代码的嵌入式Linux系统。咪表与泊车手持机采用短距离RF无线方式通信,与信息中心采用GPRS无线方式或者以太网方式进行通信。通过对智能泊车系统的构成、工作流程、咪表系统结构的理解,完成了基于嵌入式Linux系统的咪表软件平台搭建,包括交叉编译工具链的建立、U-boot的移植、Linux内核移植、文件系统建立、嵌入式数据库sqlite3的移植和GDB远程调试环境搭建。完成了咪表系统与手持机的短距离RF无线通信、咪表系统与信息中心的GPRS无线通信的设计,解决了短距离RF无线通信中的一主机多从机、GPRS无线通信中的安全性和可靠性问题,进行了嵌入式web服务器BOA的移植,编写了咪表系统的QT GUI界面和分别基于GPRS和以太网通信的信息中心通信软件,咪表系统的各个部分的设计合理,软件功能齐备,达到了设计要求。

【Abstract】 China is now increasingly clear view of the difficult parking, road congestion and other problems. Aiming at these phenomenon, I put forward a parking meter sytem solution that is a part of a smart parking system .Smart parking system is made up by parking information terminals, parking handsets, parking meters and information center.Parking meter system is the communications hinge of the whole smart parking system, responsible for transmiting data between the various modules and parking status shows and billing. Paring meter system is designed as a embedded system. Its processor is Samsung S3C2440 based on ARM9 processor architecture and its operating system is the open-source embedded Linux system.Parking meter system using stone’s throw RF wireless communications with handset, and using GPRS wireless or Ethernet communications with information center. Based on the understanding of the smart parking system, workflow, the parking meter system structure, I build the software platform based on embedded Linux operating system, including cross-compiler tool chain establishment, U-boot transplantation, Linux kernel transplantation, file systems establishment ,embedded database sqlite3 transplant and building of GDB-Server remote debuging environment. Completed RF wireless communications design between parking meter system and the handset, and GPRS wireless communications design between parking meter system and information center. solved how to communicate between one host machine and more slave machines in the RF wireless communications and how to ensure safety and reliability in the GPRS wireless communications. Transplant the embedded web server BOA. Designed QT GUI interface and information center communications software based on GPRS and Ethernet communications. The parking meter system is a rational design and its software capabilities are available to the design requirements.

  • 【分类号】TP273.5;TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】200

