

The System of Weather Detection in the Primary Surveilence Radar

【作者】 马晓艳

【导师】 刘中; 吴道庆;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 全固态机场监视一次雷达的研制是为了适应国际和国内飞速发展的民用和军用航空业,改变国内航管一次雷达普遍依赖国外进口的局面。主要用于机场航空交通管制系统,而气象检测为航管一次雷达中的一项重要辅助功能。本论文主要研究了在航管一次雷达中的气象检测如何极大可能地利用本为他用的雷达体制和参数来完成飞行空域的气象状况检测,为机场引导飞机起飞和降落提供危险气象警报。本文论述的寄生气象检测系统是一次雷达中的气象检测通道。该气象检测通道与目标探测通道共用发射机和天线,系统并没有从天线极化器的正交耦合器的射频输出端口提取气象回波,而是在接收通道放大后数字采样后,在信号处理中提取气象信息进行检测。接收输入动态范围为90dB,灵敏度达到-107dBm。接收机共计高、低波束两个通道,不分目标检测和气象检测,两者共用。接收机的每个通道都由高频放大器、中频放大、中频采样、数字正交器组成,另外还有DDS信号产生和频率激励源用来形成雷达发射机所需的S波段脉冲调制激励信号。接收通道中进行动态压缩处理,采用对数通道和STC控制。气象信号处理采取MTD滤波器完成在回波信号中剔除掉无用的虚假回波和干扰,脉压副瓣要求约为40dB。并完成气象幅度数据的提取,进行6个强度等级幅度分层。显示终端以6级点迹轮廓图的形式进行显示。该气象检测系统在十四所研制的航管一次雷达中得到了应用,效果良好。

【Abstract】 The primary surveilence radar of all solid transmitter is studied for the international and the civil aviation or the military aviation. It would change the situation that is most of the primary surveilence radar in the CHINA are imported. The function of weather detection is one important part of the primary surveilence radar. This article describes the function which how to accomplish weather detection in the airway under the condition of one radar system. The radar serves for plane starting and arriving, and provides alarm of dangerous weather.This weather detection system is named of weather channel of the radar. The antenna and the transmitter of the radar are used for both of the weather channel and target channel. Weather signal is picked up by signal process after the echo signal is magnified in the receiver. The dynamic range of receiver is made sure 90dB and the sensitive of it is - 107dB. The receiver has two unique channels for high and low beam. Each of them is composed of high frequency amplifier, intermediate frequency amplifier and sampling, digital phase uprightness intersector, DDS and the S band signal inspirator for the transmitter. The receiver adopts dynamic range compressing, logarithm amplifing circuit and STC control. The MTD filters are applied in the digital wheather signal processing to delete false echo, jam and etc. The value of sidelobe of digital pluse compress is about -40dB. The channel performs detecting the intensity of weather signal and divides them into 6 grades. The teiminal displays weather map of 6-levels contours.This system has been used in the primary radar reseached by the CETC 14th Research Institute.It has been proved successful.

  • 【分类号】TN959.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】150

