

Product Quotation System Research and Quick Quotation System Design of ZMM

【作者】 赵勇

【导师】 王云峰; 马利;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 工业工程, 2007, 硕士


【摘要】 随着市场经济的建立和发展,市场竞争的日趋激烈化和客户需求的个性化日益增强,张煤机强烈地意识到改善本企业对用户需求的快速有效的响应能力,能给企业带来巨大的利益和竞争优势。产品快速报价是实现对用户需求的快速有效响应的关键环节之一,而如何对大规模定制产品进行快速配置已成为影响张煤机快速报价的关键瓶颈。因此,本文产品快速配置为主要方向,以基于案例推理的产品快速配置实际应用方法为核心内容,试图为张煤机产品快速报价做出新的探索。本文对张煤机的AFC的功用、组成,对张煤机的生产模式、订货模式,对AFC报价原理、方法和特点等进行了分析。以基于案例推理的产品快速配置理论为指导,对张煤机的AFC快速报价系统进行了设计,确定了报价系统总体设计目标、原则、组成与结构,构建了张煤机的AFC快速配置模型,完成了张煤机AFC价格核算模块设计,提高了AFC和产品报价速度。

【Abstract】 With the establishment and development of market economy, drastic competition and increasing individuation of customer requirements, ZMM realizes that improving its quick and efficient response ability to customer requirements can get massive profits and advantage in competition. Product quick quotation is one of the key issues to realize the quick and efficient response to customer requirements, however, the quick configuration of mass customization becomes the key bottle neck, which influences the quick quotation of ZMM. The new exploration is summarized in this article on ZMM product quick quotation, mainly directed in products quick configuration and based on case discursion of practical application method of product quick configuration.The following contents are analyzed in this article, the function and structure of AFC, production mode and order mode of ZMM, quotation principle, method and specifications of AFC. Guided by the theory based on case discursion of product quick configuration, the AFC quick quotation system of ZMM is analyzed, the general design target, principle, composing and structure of quotation system is determined, AFC quick configuration model is built, AFC price calculation model design is accomplished, AFC and product quotation speed is increased.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52;F273
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】133

