

Study on Automobile Measurement and Analysis System

【作者】 赵海宾

【导师】 董正身;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 车辆工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着汽车制造行业的发展和激烈的市场竞争,许多汽车生产厂商不断的开展了大量的试验研究工作,以求提高汽车的质量和推出新颖产品。因此对汽车试验仪器的需求也是越来越高。但是,在当前的测试领域中,传统的测试系统由于本身所固有的诸多弊端变得越来越不能适应现代测试的要求。同时随着计算机和软件技术的快速发展,虚拟仪器正在逐渐成为测试领域的发展方向。本课题针对现有机动车性能检测仪器的不足,利用虚拟仪器技术的柔性和可扩展性等优点,开发了汽车的整车性能测试分析系统。论文首先叙述了国内外机动车性能检测系统的发展概况,简要介绍了虚拟仪器技术的应用现状与前景,说明了课题的研究意义。然后论述系统所建立的理论依据和用到的主要器件。最后根据汽车各性能的评价指标,采用NI公司软、硬件构建了汽车整车性能的测试分析系统。系统利用LabVIEW软件设计的人性化界面,很好地发挥了虚拟仪器的数据采集、数据测试与分析以及结果输出显示的三大功能,能够实现实时显示、事后数据分析、数据曲线绘制等功能。并且由于NI硬件轻巧便捷,该测试系统可在道路实验中,直接对汽车的性能进行测试。此外,论文的测试系统进行了可行性与适用性实验。测试结果表明系统性能稳定,复现性能良好,能较精确和稳定地反映实验数据。论文还详细研究了实验的步骤和实验中需要注意的问题。

【Abstract】 With the development of automobile industry and the drastic competition of market, many automobile manufacturers have been carrying out a lot of experiments and study continually in order to enhance the quality of production and invent the new production. So more and more automobile experiment instruments are required. But,in the field of modern vehicle performance test , traditional measuring system can not meet the need of modern test because of its inheernt shortcomings.At the same time,with the development of computer hardware and software, virtual instrument has become the developing tendency of measurement field. In this paper, aiming at the shortocming of test sysetm used in our country ,the use of the advantage of virtual instrument are made to develop the test system of automobile.Firstly,the paper analyzes the situation and development of vehicle capability test system home and aborad the actual application states and foreground of the virtual instrument technology in brief.Based on virtual instrument technology, the automobile measurement system,such as dynamic performance and fuel economy, is set up to improve the current testing methods whose results are not humanization. The system which is developed with LabVIEW and consists of notebook pc, sensors, sample-and-hold accessory and data acquisition card, can valuate the automobile dynamic performance , fuel economy, smoothness and so on, including the display of velocity, acceleration, distance, fuel consumption per 100km and curve of data.The feasibility and practicability was proved by experiments and error analysis on this system. The results show that the system has a stable and repeatable performance, can reflect the test data exactly.

【关键词】 虚拟仪器LabVIEW动力性经济性平顺性测试
【Key words】 Virtual InstrumentLabVIEWdynamic propertyeconomysmoothnesstesting
  • 【分类号】U467.4
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】522

