

The Competitive and Strategic Research of Baoshuo Company

【作者】 尚勇

【导师】 吕荣杰;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 工商管理, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,上市公司是国民经济的主导力量和重要支柱。通过股份制的改造和资产剥离,上市公司具备了相对良好的管理体制,也甩掉了一些历史性的包袱,能够轻装前进,尤其拓宽了融资渠道,加快了项目发展速度。然而,随着国内外经济环境的改变,特别是加入WTO以后,原有的产品方向以及原有的经营模式对企业发展的制约日渐凸现,宝硕门窗公司也像众多的企业一样,同样面临着上述问题,企业如何适应市场需求和市场竞争的要求,制定适合企业发展的战略,具有重要的理论与实践意义。论文以竞争战略理论和方法为指导,以宝硕门窗公司为研究对象,运用理论研究与实证分析、定性分析与定量分析、现实分析与未来预测相结合的方法,在搜集大量详实资料基础上,对门窗行业环境中的产业政策、供求关系、产品特点、竞争态势及其未来发展趋势和特点进行了全面系统地分析;对企业竞争优势与劣势、成长机会、压力与威胁进行了深入探讨;在市场细分、目标市场及产品定位的基础上,明确提出企业的竞争战略方案;将战略规划转化为实用、具体、可行的策略。本论文共分四章,第一章对产业环境分析、公司内部分析,竞争战略的选择与实施等相关理论进行简要回顾,为以后各章的实证分析提供理论框架。。第二章就宝硕门窗公司所面对的竞争环境,分别从宏观环境、产业环境、产业演变三个方面展开分析,第三章分析宝硕门窗内部结构,就产品结构、业务活动展开分析,运用SWOT分析法研究宝硕门窗公司相关各种资源以求得出公司竞争战略的策略。第四章给出宝硕门窗公司竞争战略的实施方案。文章中借鉴国内外竞争战略管理的理论与方法,密切联系宝硕门窗公司的管理实际,提出一整套具有科学性、实用性、可操作性的企业竞争战略方案,为企业实施战略决策提供了重要的参考依据。

【Abstract】 Currently, Public company is the main power and most important support in the national economy. By shareholding reform and peel off assets, Public company to make its system better, and shake off its load to forward easily. Especially expend its financing channels and promote its speed of development. However, the economic circumstances have changed at home and abroad, especially when china joint WTO. The company development is restricted by original product orientation and original operation mode. Baoshuo company have to face above problems as many other companies. How the company to suit the market and competition, and formulate an appropriate business strategy are become more important for both theory and practice.Thesis use competition strategy theory and method as a guidance, baoshuo as a subject investigated, to use the combinative method by theory investigation, empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, practical analysis and business forecast. Base on the full and accurate information research, comprehensively and systematically analyze the industrial policy, supply-demand relation, product attribute, competing situation, development trend and feature in this industry environment; discuss competition strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats; on the basis of the market segment, target market and product orientation. Bring forward business competition strategy; change strategy to specific, practical and feasible plan.This thesis has four chapters. First chapter will analyze industrial environment and company internal environment, brief review the relevant theory of strategy selection and practice, as the frame theory for coming chapters. Second chapter will analyze the competitions of Baoshuo Company should face from three factors: macro-environment, industry environment and industry development. Third chapter will analyze the company structure, product framework and business operation of Baoshuo Company, combine with practical situation, using SWOT analysis to achieve the company strategy and competition advantage. Fourth chapter will list the strategy implementation of Baoshuo Company.Thesis use foreign strategy management theory and method as reference, and integrate the management practice of Baoshuo Company, put forward a series of scientific, practical, maneuverable business competition strategy. Provide important foundation for leader to make strategic decision.

  • 【分类号】F272;F426.92
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】167

