

Preparation and Application of Salt-Frost Resistance Concrete in Bridge Deck Pavement

【作者】 茹磊

【导师】 田稳苓;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 混凝土作为一种历史悠久的材料,得到了广泛应用和青睐。但在经济和科技迅猛发展的今天,人们对生活质量的要求越来越高,普通的混凝土已经不能满足人们对建筑材料高抗压、高抗拉、高耐久性的要求。由于北方天气比较寒冷,冬季下雪结冰给交通带来不便。为保证交通运输的舒畅,常在桥、路面撒除冰盐,导致混凝土桥、路面受到除冰盐的侵蚀,给国家和社会造成了巨大的经济损失。本着可持续发展战略和建设节约型社会的方针政策,研究耐盐冻混凝土是有很大意义的。本课题正是针对除冰盐对桥、路面的侵蚀破坏,研究一种由“耐盐冻指标”和“强度指标”双控,抗盐冻、耐久性能优越的高性能混凝土,并将其应用于桥面铺装层、水泥混凝土路面,以防止水泥混凝土桥面和路面因盐冻侵蚀而早期破坏,提高水泥混凝土桥、路面的使用寿命。本文从力学性能和耐盐冻性能两方面着手,对不同配比的混凝土进行对比分析,配制出高性能的耐盐冻混凝土。力学性能研究结果表明:掺加了磨细矿渣粉、硅粉、杜拉纤维的耐盐冻混凝土(PPEK)在7天、28天、90天的立方体抗压强度都高于与其对比的其他混凝土。纤维、硅粉和磨细矿渣粉联合增强作用,增强了试件的抗压强度;掺加纤维、硅粉和磨细矿渣粉后并没有明显提高混凝土的抗折性能。耐久性能研究结果表明:掺加了磨细矿渣粉、硅粉、杜拉纤维的耐盐冻混凝土(PPEK)的抗渗透能力和耐盐冻能力都高于与其对比的其他混凝土。磨细矿渣粉、硅粉的掺入,很大程度上提高了混凝土的密实度。从而PPEK的抗渗等级达到21级,远远高于施工要求的12级。本文通过冻融循环和冻融循环-除冰盐试验,研究了耐盐冻混凝土的耐冻、耐盐冻能力。本文设计的耐盐冻高性能混凝土应用于廊涿高速公路--涿州至旧州段一桥面铺装上,并简要介绍了施工工艺及其过程。

【Abstract】 Concrete, as a traditional material of building, are widely used for the past years. But withthe rapid development of science & economy and increasing quality of life, common concrete, asa building material, can no longer meet the requirement such as high-compression, high-tensile,high-durability. Due to the cold weather in the north, snow and ice bring inconvenience to thetraffic, people often spread salt on the ground to ensure good transportation, as a result, theconcrete road & bridge are corroded seriously. This of course means a loss to the state and leadto an adverse effect on the society, which is also deviate from sustainable development and theconstruction of economize type society.In view of the bad damage of ground and bridge, this paper discuss a“Salt-frost resistance”and“Strength”double controlled concrete, which can avoid destroy and extend the service life ofthe building.The research concerns on mechanical properties and salt-frost resistance, compare withdifferent proportion concrete, in order to prepare an excellent salt-frost resistance concrete.The study of mechanical properties show that: by the addition of finely-powdered slag,Silica Fume and Dura fiber, the concrete (PPEK) get higher performance in 7 days, 28 days, 90days cube compressive strength comparison. Fiber, microsilica and finely-powdered slag,enhance the compressive strength of the specimen, but no apparent improvement onflexural-tolerant properties.The findings of durability properties suggest that: finely-powdered slag, Silica Fume, Durafiber improve the concrete’s density, and make it reach 21 grade, which is far higher than theconstruction requirements of 12, and also give it better resistance to penetration and frost. In thispaper, Through the study of the action of freezing-thawing cycles in the water and NaClsolution to studying the capability of frost-resistance.Within the article, also introduce the process and technology of this high-performanceconcrete used on deck pavement from Zhuozhou to Jiuzhou of the Langzhuo Highway.

  • 【分类号】U444
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】173

