

The Software Design of the Infrared Wireless Alarm System Based on MMS

【作者】 贾素娟

【导师】 武金木;

【作者基本信息】 河北工业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济高速发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,人们的生活需求也变得多样化,于是家庭的安防需求应运而生,使得智能防盗报警系统与居民日常生活越来越紧密,以保障家庭住宅安全为目的的防范系统也因此得到了一定程度的发展。经查阅相关领域的资料文献,发现目前的家庭安防系统大多数存在着功能简单,易遭破坏,报警准确度太低等问题。随着家庭安防的发展需求,能满足用户需求,性能可靠,经济实用的防盗报警系统具有广阔的发展前景。本文以GPRS通信理论为依托,采用彩信图像传输技术,设计了基于彩信的无线红外防盗报警的软件系统。与以往的防盗报警系统相比,该系统将彩信图像传输技术,红外光电传感器技术,无线信号传输技术相结合,利用家庭电脑和成熟的嵌入式技术,提高了报警的准确度,增强了用户的主动性,降低了成本,在家庭安防领域具有很强的竞争优势,能够产生良好的社会效益和经济效益。该系统有两个关键技术:一是彩信的编码发送,二是短信的编码发送与接收。彩信技术,作为一种新的图像传输手段,它最大的特色就是支持多媒体功能,能够传递文字、图像、声音等各种多媒体格式的信息。数据传输量小,对现场的监控更人性化,报警准确度大大提高。文章在分析彩信的工作原理、彩信的网络结构、彩信的编码语言的基础上,完成了彩信图像的发送。短信技术,作为一种普遍使用的信息传递手段,它最大的特色就是技术成熟,快捷方便。文章在分析短消息的编码模式、控制指令的基础上完成了短消息的发送接收功能。最后利用成熟的嵌入式技术,图像压缩处理技术,完成了报警信号的监测、图像的采集、压缩模块的软件设计。

【Abstract】 Along with the high speed development of social economy and unceasingly enhancement of people living standard,people’s life demand also becomes diversifies,therefore the family guards against the demand to arise at the historic moment peacefully,which causes the intelligence security alarm system and the inhabitant daily life more and more close.The guard system which take the family housing safely as the goal obtained a certain degree development.After consult correlation domain material and literature,i found that many problems exist in most of the present family security system,for example,simple function, easy to suffer the destruction, the accuracy which reports to the police is too low and so on.Along with the family Safe Guard development demand, can meet the user need, the performance is reliable, the economy practical security alarm system has the broad prospects for evelopment.This article has designed take the GPRS correspondence theory as a backing, uses the MMS technology and based on my schoolmate of hardware designs of infrared wireless alarm system based on MMS.Compared with the former security alarm system,this system unified the MMS image transmission technology,the sensor of infrared light electric technology, the wireless signal transmission technology,use family computer and the mature embedded technology.It has enhanced the accuracy of reporting to the police,strengtheded user’s initiative,reduced the cost.So this system has the very big demand market in the domin of family safe guard and can produce good social efficiency and economic efficiency.This system has two key technologies:one is the MMS coding and transmiting,the second is the SMS coding,transmiting and receiving.MMS,as a new image transmiting technology,it’s biggest characteristic is that it could support the multimedia functions,can transmit the writing, the image, the sound and so on.The data transmission capacity is small,the monitor to scene is more user friendly, the accuracy of reporting to the police is enhanced.The article in the analysis MMS work principle, the MMS network architecture, the MMS code language foundation, has completed the MMS image transmission.The SMS technology, as an universal used information transmission method, it’s biggest characteristic is that the technology is mature, quickly convenient.The article in analyzed the SMS code pattern, the control command foundation has completed the SMS transmission receive function.Finally we used the mature embedded technology, the image compression processing technology, have completed the alarm monitor, image gathering, the compression module software design.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】759

