

Study on the Relationship between Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in Clinical Nurses

【作者】 张传坤

【导师】 阎成美;

【作者基本信息】 福建医科大学 , 护理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的了解福州市临床护士工作压力的来源、工作满意度及组织承诺的现状以及护士工作压力、工作满意度与组织承诺的关系,进而在此基础上有针对性的提出管理建议。方法选取福州市三甲综合医院的临床护士514名为调查对象,使用一般资料调查表、护士工作压力源量表、明尼苏达满意度问卷、组织承诺调查表进行调查研究。采用的统计方法包括t检验、方差分析、Pearson相关分析及多元逐步回归分析。结果1.临床护士工作压力为中等程度,临床护士首要的工作压力源来自工作量及时间分配方面,主要是工作量太大、上班的护士数量少、没有时间对病人进行心理护理、非护理性的工作太多、书面工作太多。2.临床护士工作满意度为中等程度,其中临床护士对目前工作量所得到的报酬、对目前工作的忙碌程度、对工作晋升的机会、对目前的工作条件、对单位执行政策的方式满意度较低。3.组织承诺因个人背景变量的不同而有显著性差异,其中年龄、月夜班天数、职务、所在科室等变量对组织承诺有显著影响。4.临床护士的工作压力与组织承诺呈负相关。5.临床护士的工作满意度与组织承诺呈显著正相关。结论1.临床护士护理工作量大、负荷重是护理工作中存在的严重问题。2.临床护士对工作的不满意既有因低层次的需要也有因高层次的需要未能得到满足而产生的。3.工作压力中管理及人际关系方面的压力对临床护士组织承诺的三个纬度有预测作用。说明和谐的人际关系,良好的工作环境是增加临床护士对组织单位情感依赖的有利因素。4.工作满意度中外在满意度对继续承诺有预测作用,内在满意度对情感承诺和规范承诺有预测作用。说明提高临床护士的工作满意度能够提高她们的组织归属感和主人翁精神。

【Abstract】 Objective:To analyze clinical nurses’job stressor,job satisfaction and organizational commintment.And then,by analyzing the relationship between job stress,job satisfaction and organizational commitment on the basis of research of FuZhou clinical nurses . We presented some effective suggestion for clinical nurses management.Methods:By selecting 514 nurses working in third-first class hospitals of FuZhou as investigation sample,we used the questionnaire about data of demography, Nursing Job Stress Inventory(NJSI),short-form Minnesota Satisfaction Questio-nnaire(MSO),and Organizational Commitment Scale in the research.The statistical method included: independed samples t-test,one-way ANOVA,Pearson inter-correlation,and multiple linear regression analysis.Results:1. Clinical nurses’job stress was in the middle level.Nurses main stressor was the workload and time allocation,including too much workload,fewer number of working nurses,no time to carry psychological care,too much non-nursing work and too much written work.2. Clinical nurses’job satisfaction was in the middle level.The clinical nurses had low satisfaction with the paid based on workload,the busy degree of work,the opportunities for promotion,the current working conditions and the ways of implementing policy.3. Clinical nurses’organizational commitment was different because of the personnal-concerned items.And age,night-shift days per month,duty and the department had significant impact on organizational commitment.4. Clinical nurses’job stress was significantly negative correlated with organi- zational commitment.5. Clinical nurses’job satisfaction was significantly positive correlated with organizational commitment.Conclusion:1. It was a serious problem that the clinical nurses had too much workload and the load was heavy.2. The unsatisfaction with job was caused by failing to satisfied with both low-level needs and high-level needs.3. The stress from management and interpersonal relationship had prediction on three mains of organizational commitment.It proved that harmonious interpersonal relationship and fine work environment are the factors increasing thenurses’dependent emotion to the unit.4. External satisfaction had prediction on continuance commitment,intrinsic satisfaction had prediction on affective commitment and normative commitment.It illustrated that improving nurses’job satisfaction can improve their belonging and the master spirit.

  • 【分类号】R47
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】889

