

【作者】 母远珍

【导师】 顾荣芳;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学前教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究基于对南京市4所幼儿园的9名幼儿园骨干教师的深入访谈,对影响幼儿园骨干教师专业成长的关键事件进行了深入的分析,并通过对关键事件的研究归纳出了幼儿园骨干教师专业成长的特点。对幼儿园骨干教师专业成长产生影响的关键事件主要可分为常态关键事件和非常态关键事件。其中常态关键事件又分为专业生活中的常态关键事件和家庭生活中的常态关键事件。专业生活中的常态关键事件主要体现为师从老教师、教研活动、科研活动、参与比赛、职阶变化,家庭生活中的常态关键事件主要是指养育事件。而非常态关键事件则主要表现为人际关系冲突事件和教学中的突发事件。关键人物和关键时期是关键事件的两个核心要素。对幼儿园骨干教师专业成长影响重大的关键人物包括:师傅、园长、搭班教师和专家,她们在幼儿园骨干教师的专业成长中分别扮演着引领者、支持者、合作者和指导者的角色。幼儿园骨干教师专业成长的关键时期包括外在关键时期(入职初期、工作三年以后),内在关键时期(幼儿园升级和健全教科研制度时期)和个人关键时期(生完小孩以后)。幼儿园骨干教师大都认为她们的专业成长是“水到渠成”的事情,这主要基于四个方面的原因:良好的幼儿园环境为骨干教师的专业成长提供了肥沃的土壤;认真做好每一件事是骨干教师的一贯作风;强烈的责任意识和主动进取的专业精神是促使她们不断寻求专业成长的内在动因;学习与反思是她们获得专业成长的主要途径。

【Abstract】 Based on deep interview with 9 backbone teachers from 4 kindergartens in Nanjing, this research analyzes the influence of critical incidents on backbone teachers’ professional growth, and generalizes the characteristics of backbone teachers.Critical incidents which influence backbone teachers’ professional growth can be divided into two kinds: normal ones and abnormal ones. Normal critical incidents include professional ones and familial ones. Learning from old teachers, teaching research, scientific research, participation in competitions, promotion of the titles of professional posts all belong to professional ones. The familial ones mainly refer to child-nurturing incidents and abnormal critical incidents mainly include interpersonal conflicts and abrupt accidents in the teaching.Significant others and critical phases are two core elements of critical incidents. The significant others, including the master, the headmaster of the kindergarten, the copartner and experts, play the part of the leader, the supporter, the participator and the mentor of the backbone teachers and have great influence on their professional growth. The critical phases include extrinsic phases (initial stages, three years later), intrinsic phases (phases for kindergartens to upgrade themselves and consummate the system of teaching and research), and personal phases (after bearing).Most backbone teachers consider: their professional growth as success which will come when conditions are ripe, which is based on the following four reasons. Firstly, the kindergartens supply good conditions for the backbone teachers’ professional development. Secondly, the backbone teachers insist on doing everything seriously. Thirdly, the intrinsic motivities of the backbone teachers’ going on with their professional growth are strong duty-consciousness and go-aheadism. Fourthly, studying and reflecting are the main ways of the backbone teachers’ achieving their professional growth.

  • 【分类号】G615
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】722

