

【作者】 朱莉

【导师】 周学荣;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 利用体育运动可以干预人的心理问题,现在在国内外已经达成共识并且相当的普遍。然而,纵观国内外青少年网络成瘾的干预领域和体育运动心理的研究领域,该课题的实证研究尚未得到足够的重视。面对现代社会青少年网络成瘾问题日益增加的现实,充分利用体育运动来干预青少年的网络成瘾问题,促进其成瘾行为的改善和心理健康水平的提高,尤其是针对当代大学生网络成瘾问题突出、网络成瘾状况堪忧的实际,在干预大学生网络成瘾的教育活动中,充分利用体育运动所独具的心理效应来调适大学生的成瘾症状和心理健康问题,促进其成瘾行为的改善和心理素质的不断提高,对于培育高素质人才具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。本研究在借鉴国内外有关网络成瘾问题的最新研究成果的基础上,坚持以体育学、心理学、行为学等多学科理论为指导,运用实验法、观察法、调查法等,首先对6名不同网络成瘾水平大学生被试进行了为期12周共40次的以篮球运动为核心的体育运动干预实验与观察,在此研究的基础上,依据学生个性化特点,接着又对1名网络成瘾的大学生进行了个案实验研究,以进一步探讨体育运动干预对大学生网络成瘾症状和总体心理健康水平的影响效果。研究结果表明:(1)用体育运动来干预大学生网络成瘾具有可行性。(2)所设计的操作方案实施对大学生的网络成瘾症状的影响是有效的,能够显著地改善大学生的成瘾症状,对轻度成瘾的干预效果要好于中度成瘾的干预效果。(3)从整体上看,体育运动干预在显著地改善大学生被试的成瘾症状,亦促进了成瘾症状大学生被试总体心理健康水平显著的提高。(4)从被试的反馈调查结果来看:被试对训练内容和形式、训练气氛、训练指导者和个人收获满意度较高,但对训练进程方面满意度稍低,说明这个方面今后还有待进一步改进和提高;大部分被试认为干预有显著的效果;被试在体育运动中体验到了乐趣,得到了需要的满足。实验整体上是令被试满意的,达到了实验设计的目的。(5)从个案分析的结果看,以体育运动作为干预手段的活动的设计及其实施,要关注如何为参与者提供更加个人化的服务。由于个案中对问题性质的分析,以及对个案干预目标的确定都具有较强的针对性,因此个案干预效果较好。总之,通过体育运动对大学生的网络成瘾症状实施干预,能够有效改善大学生的成瘾症状并促进其总体心理健康水平一定程度的提高。体育运动可以作为大学生网络成瘾干预的一种有效形式进行推广。

【Abstract】 May intervene human’ s psychological question using the sports, and now in domestic and foreign already achieved the mutual recognition suitable universal. However, looks over the intervention domain and the sports psychology research area which the domestic and foreign young people network becomes addicted to, this topic real diagnosis research not yet obtains the enough value. Becomes addicted to the reality facing the modern society young people network which the question increases day by day, fully intervenes young people’ s network using the sports to become addicted to the question, promotes it to become addicted to the behavior the improvement and the psychologically healthy level enhancement, Aims at the contemporary university student network to become addicted to the question prominently in particular, the network becomes addicted to the condition to endure sorrow the reality, in intervenes in the pedagogical activity which the university student network becomes addicted to, fully uses the sports alone psychology effect to adjust and adapt the university student to become addicted to the symptom and the psychologically healthy question, promotes it to become addicted to the behavior the improvement and the psychological quality unceasing enhancement, regarding cultivates the high quality talented person to have the important theory value and the practice significance. This research in profits from the domestic and foreign related networks to become addicted to the question in the newest research results foundation, persisted take the sports study, the psychology, the behavior study and so on the multi-disciplinary theories as the instruction, the utilization cut-and-try method, the method of inspection, the survey procedure and so on, first became addicted to the horizontal university student to 6 different networks to try to carry on altogether 40 times has intervened for the time 12 weeks take the basketball movement as the core sports tests and observes, in this research foundation, Based on student personalization characteristic, Then the university student who became addicted to 1 network has conducted the case experimental study, Discusses the sports to intervene to the university student network becomes addicted to the symptom and the overall psychologically healthy level influence effect and the different personalized sports intervention effect.The research result shows the following:(1) Interfere university student’ s network from becoming the addiction and having feasibility by the sports activity.(2) Designs the operation plan implementation becomes addicted to the symptom to university student’s network the influence is effective, can obviously improve the university student to become addicted to the symptom, to the intervention effect which becomes addicted to mildly is friends with in the intervention effect which moderate becomes addicted to.(3) Overall, the sports intervene in obviously improve the university student to try to become addicted to the symptom, also promoted to become addicted to the symptom university student to try the overall psychologically healthy level remarkable enhancement.(4) From the feedback investigation result which tries was looked that, Will be tried to train the content and the form, the training atmosphere, trains the shepherd and individual harvest degree of satisfaction is high, but to trains the advancement, aspect degree of satisfaction to be slightly low, explained this aspect also will wait for from now on further improves and the enhancement; Majority of is tried to think the intervention has the remarkable effect; Is tried to experience the pleasure in the sports, obtained satisfying which needs. In the experimental whole is makes to try to satisfy, had achieved the experiment designs goal.(5) Looked from the case analysis result that, by the sports took the intervention method the activity design and the implementation, how does need to pay attention provides a more personalized service for the participant. Because in the case to the question nature analysis, as well as indeed establishes a capital city to the case intervention goal has strongly pointed, therefore the case intervention effect is good.In short, becomes addicted to the symptom implementation intervention through the sports to university student’s network, can improve the university student to become addicted to the symptom and to promote its overall psychologically healthy level certain degree enhancement effectively. The sports may become addicted to the intervention as the university student network one effective form to carry on the promotion.

【关键词】 体育运动大学生网络成瘾干预个案
【Key words】 Athletic sportsUniversity studentsIADinfluencecase
  • 【分类号】R749.99
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】491

