

【作者】 叶清旸

【导师】 王敏;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会文明的进步,人们越来越追求和重视生命的质量、意义和存在的价值。在生老病死的自然法则面前,人们日趋理性。当罹患不治之症,身心遭受难以忍受的病痛折磨,“生不如死”、“活受罪”时,人们宁愿选择无痛苦有尊严的死亡方式一安乐死。安乐死的本质不是致人死亡,而是授死者以安乐。不是解决生或死的问题,而是要保证死的质量。不是从生向死的转化,而是从痛苦向安乐的转化。是在患者主观自愿或其家属的真诚委托前提下通过科学的方法对人的死亡过程进行优化调节,使人在死亡过程中避免精神和肉体上的折磨,优化死亡状态,做到“优死”,同时也是减轻生者精神和肉体上的煎熬,予以生者以安乐。现代文明社会在鼓励人们珍视生命、负责社会的同时,应充分尊重患者的生命权与个人选择自由,对患者以临终关怀。可喜的是在安乐死的发展过程中,随着人们意识的增强和观念的变化,安乐死在世界范围内日趋为人们所接受和支持,并有部分国家已将之合法化,这也为我国安乐死的法律化创造了有利的环境,提供了良好的借鉴。本文主要是根据国内外安乐死的历史和理论发展过程以及在中国当前的现状,通过论述安乐死与人权自由和立法原则、安乐死与民族传统文化、安乐死与生命权的保护、安乐死与社会主义道德原则、安乐死与现实的迫切要求以及安乐死与故意杀人罪的异同等之间的联系,辨证地论证安乐死法律化的根据,进而提出建立规范的安乐死制度的构想,即从法律上对安乐死予以确认,但要对之进行严格的控制,可以先通过判例解决目前矛盾并加大法律宣传;由点到面逐步实施,积累经验,不断完善,待时机成熟再全面推广;制定严格的安乐死实施的要件、程序,明确其法律责任并建立警戒机制以保证安乐死意义的实现,防止安乐死的滥用。法律不应回避安乐死,安乐死应该有自己的法律地位。

【Abstract】 The controversies on euthanasia have never stopped since it arose. With the development of social civilization, the people are increasingly seeking and paying more and more attention to the quality,significance and value of their lives. Facing the life-and-death law of nature, the people are increasingly rational. They prefer painless euthanasia with dignity when they are unbearably suffering from the incurable diseases physically and mentally. Actually, the nature of euthanasia is not to cause death but give the departed happiness, not to solve the problem of life and death but guarantee the death quality,not to transform life into death but sufferings into peace and happiness. It is to improve and regulate the death process with scientific methods under the true requests from the patients or their families so as to avoid physical and mental torture. Meanwhile, it is also to alleviate the physical and mental burden of the patients’ families and give them happiness. In modern society, besides encouraging people to treasure their lives and to be responsible for the society, we should fully respect the patients’ life rights and freedom. During the course of euthanasia development, as our consciousness strengthens and attitude towards life and death alters, euthanasia is gradually world-wide accepted and supported and it is legal in some countries, which has created the good environment and their experience can be used for euthanasia legislation in our country. This article, based on the theory development and current situation, expounds relationships between euthanasia and human rights freedom and legislation principles, national cultural tradition, life rights protection, urgent current needs as well as the distinctive differences between euthanasia and homicide. At last, the article puts forward the ideas that we can solve the current cases with legal precedent and give publicity to the people. In addition, euthanasia can be carried out firstly in some developed areas and then in the whole country. To make enthanasia implemented smoothly, we should draw up the important conditions, procedures, specify legal responsibilities and establish warning system. The law shouldn’t withdraw the euthanasia and euthanasia should have its legal status.

【关键词】 安乐死法律化根据制度
【Key words】 euthanasialegalizeevidencesystem
  • 【分类号】D920.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】621

