

Study on Environmental Safety for Rivers Drinking Water Source Area

【作者】 孙靖

【导师】 钱谊;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 环境地理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 饮用水水源地保护和污染防治直接关系到国民经济的发展和人民身体健康,控制饮用水水源污染,改善饮用水水质已成为举国上下普遍关注的大事。本文首先回顾了水安全评价、水源地安全评价及相关法律法规国内外的研究进展,综述了我国饮用水水源地安全现状以及存在的问题,在此基础上构建了河流型饮用水水源地环境安全评价指标体系,初定了相关评价标准,并选用层次分析法作为主要评价方法。据此对南京市5个河流型饮用水水源地的环境安全进行了评价。本文构建的评价指标体系分为二级,第一级指标主要涉及水质、保护区污染情况、环境风险和水质安全保证措施等4个指标;第二级指标主要涉及有毒有机物、高锰酸盐指数、石油类、氨氮、总磷、挥发酚、一二级保护区内排污口、农田径流、城镇生活污染物、农村生活污染物、码头、工厂等16个指标:评价标准的确立也充分采用了参考现有标准、专家评定、定性定量相结合等方法。本文主要通过层次分析法来确定评价指标的权重,在此基础上采用综合指数法评定饮用水水源地环境安全等级。评价结果按安全状况从高到低分为3级:安全、较安全、危险。研究结果表明,南京市的八卦洲上坝水源地为环境安全的水源地,夹江水源地、燕子矶水源地、浦口江浦水源地为较安全的水源地,上元门水源地为危险的水源地。本文提出了加强饮用水水源地环境安全性的措施:①整治一级保护区的违章建筑;②二级及准保护区污染防治、生态恢复和建设工程:隔离防护措施、点源污染防治工程、面源污染防治工程、其他污染治理工程、生态修复与建设工程;③应急能力和预警监控体系建设;④环境管理能力建设等。河流型饮用水水源地环境安全研究尚处于初步阶段,本文进行了有益的探索。但今后仍需要在如下方面进一步深入研究:①完善指标体系;②加强标准研究;③加强与高新技术如GIS的结合。本文的研究对判断饮用水水源地环境安全及采取相应的加强安全性措施具有重要的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 The protection and prevention of pollution for drinking water source area is directly relates the development of national economy and the health of people. Controlling the pollution of drinking water source area and improving the water quality have become an great event that whole nation concerns.Firstly, this article reviewed the domestic and foreign research progress of the water safety evaluation, the water source safety evaluation and the correlation laws and regulations. Then it summarized the present situation of security as well as the existed question of our country’s drinking water source area. On the basis of this, it constructed the assessment index system for rivers drinking water source area environmental safety, and fixed the correlation evaluation criteria for the first time, and selected the analytic hierarchy process to be the main assessment method. Finally it assessed the environmental safety of NanJing’s 5 using river-drinking water source area.The evaluation index system that constructed by this article is divided into two levels. The first level index mainly involves 4 indexes which are the water quality, the pollution situation of the protected area, the environmental risk and the guarantee measure of water quality safety. The second level index mainly involves 16 indexes, which are deleterious organic matter, Permanganate index, petroleum kind,NH3-N,TP,volatility phenol, the drain outlet in one or two level protected area, farmland runoff, city life pollutant, village life pollutant, dock and factory and so on. The establishment of evaluation criteria also fully used the method of the reference of (?)xisting standard, the evaluation by expert, the unification of qualitative and ration and so on.This article mainly used the analytic hierarchy process to determine the weight. On the basis of this, it used the synthesis exponential method to evaluate the environmental safety rank of drinking water source area. According to the security condition, the appraisal result is divided into 3 levels: Safety, less Safety and danger. The research result indicates that The Ba Gua Zhou Shang Ba drinking water source area is a safe area,Ja Jiang drinking water source area、Yan Zi Ji drinking water source area and Jiang Pu Pu Kou drinking water source area are less Safer areas, and Shang Yuan Men drinking water source area is a dangerous area.Finally, this article brought forward the following measures for reinforcing the environmental security of drinking water source area:①repair the unlicensed buildings in the first level protected area;②the prevention of pollution project and the restoration and construction of ecology project in the second level and preparative protected area: Isolative and protective measure, the prevention of point source pollution project, the prevention of surface source and others pollution project, the renovation and construction of ecology project;③the construction of emergency ability and early warning monitor system;④the construction of environmental management ability and so on.The research of environmental safety of drinking water source area is still at the preliminary stage, though this article has carried on the useful exploration, it still needs further study in the following aspects:①to perfect the index system;②to reinforce the study of criterion;③to reinforce the union of high and new technology such as GIS.The research of this article has great significance for judging the environmental safety of drinking water source area and taking the corresponding secure measures.

  • 【分类号】TU991.11
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】905

