

【作者】 褚晓红

【导师】 王珺;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 在教育信息化发展进程中,传统的课程与教学过程正在信息技术的支持下发生着由文本课程和课堂教学向立体化课程和多媒体教学方式的转变。本论文初步探讨了课程与教学过程立体化发展基本问题,并以《摄影技艺基础》课程实践为例,具体分析了面向教育信息化发展的立体化课程建设的若干问题,如多媒体教学软件的设计与应用、网络课程的开发与应用、虚拟实验系统的开发与应用、在线学习活动的设计与管理等。论文结构共分为5章。第一章“引言”主要介绍论文的选题背景、内容框架和研究方法等;第二章主要从理论上阐明立体化课程的基本内涵与特征、立体化课程体系的建设框架以及针对摄影课程的内容特点对其立体化建设工作进行具体分析。论文第三章主要实践层面上来分析描述摄影课程资源的立体化建设问题,具体包括课堂教学电子讲义的设计、多媒体教学软件的制作、在线网络学堂的开发以及虚拟仿真实验系统的设计与实现等;而第四章则主要围绕教学过程的实施开展分析描述,内容主要包括基于多媒体课堂的有意义学习、基于网络课程的自主学习、在线学习活动的设计与管理以及面向学生应用技能发展的各种实践活动的组织等。论文最后对摄影课程立体化建设的实践工作进行了适当的反思,并提出了若干课程建设实践需要引起注意的问题或体会等。本论文主要是以《摄影技艺基础》一门课程为例来分析问题,因而课题研究对立体化课程建设分析具有明显的局限性。尽管我们在近年来的教育信息化实践中取得了一些具体的工作成绩,但由于立体化课程建设的基本理论研究尚缺乏系统化,因而实践过程也存在一些明显的不足之处,敬请各位专家、老师批评指正。

【Abstract】 Today, the development of informanization in the field of education is more quickly. Classic curriculum and instruction is being transformation from textual course to multi-dimensional and multimedia courses. This paper discusses the issues of the development on multi-dimensional curriculum based on the course of Basic Photography. Such as the design of multimedia learning software, the development of web-based course, the applications of virtual experiment with the technology of Virtual Reality, etc.This paper is comprised of 5 chapters. Firstly, Instruction of Chapter 1 introduced the issues such as the themes contest, the framework of the paper and the methods in study. The content of Chapter 2 is comprised of the connotation, the characters, the structure for the development of multi-dimensional curriculum. Then, the author discussed the learning and instruction for the course of Basic Photography.In the Chapter 3, the author discussed the design and development issues of multi-dimensional resources for the curriculum of Basic Photography, such as the electronic teaching materials, the multimedia learning software, the on-line course and the virtual experiment system for the course of Basic Photography.In the Chapter 4, the author discussed the themes on the application of the resources in learning and instruction for the course of Basic Photography. Such as meaning learning in multimedia classroom, self-learning based on-line course, interaction activities based on-line learning, practical activities in societal life, etc.In the end of Chapter 5, the author make summarizations of the paper, and make reflections on the study and practice of the theme on the development and construction for multi-dimensional curriculum based on the course of Basic Photography.

  • 【分类号】TB86
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】348

