

【作者】 刘玉萍

【导师】 吴新江;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 晋袁宏所撰的《后汉纪》是一部出色的编年体断代史,其书共三十卷,约二十一万多字。所载起自王莽末年的农民大起义,迄于曹丕代汉,刘备称帝,记述了东汉二百余年的兴衰史。《后汉纪》的流传几经波折,近年来,先后出现了两部整理《后汉纪》的著作,一是《后汉纪校注》(周天游校注,天津古籍出版社1987年版),二是《两汉纪》中的《后汉纪》(张烈点校,中华书局2002年版)。这两部著作分别选取乐三堂本和黄姬水本为工作底本,并参考了明、清学者的研究成果,为我们提供了方便实用的可读之本。但这两个本子在断句、校勘等方面还存在一些不足,故笔者参照四部丛刊本、四库本《后汉纪》,《后汉书》等传世文献及相关论文,对其中的误校漏校、标点讹误、点校失范等问题进行一些规范整理。

【Abstract】 Epoch of Eastern Han edited by Yuan Hong of the Jin Dynasty is an excellent annalistic style dynastic history, which includes thirty volumes, and consists of about two hundred and ten thousand Chinese words. It gives an account of the two hundreds rise and fall history of the Eastern Han Dynasty, from the peasant revolt of the last years of the Wang Mang, to Cao Pi substituted emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor.Epoch of Eastern Han has witnessed several ups and downs, but there is no good edition of it. In recent year, two editions of the Epoch of Eastern Han appeared one after another, one is edition of the checked edition of the Epoch of Eastern Han, which checked and annotated by Zhou Tianyou, published by Tianjin ancient book press in 1987, another is Epoch of Eastern Han in the Epoch of Two Han, which checked and annotated by Zhang Lie, published by Zhonghua press in 2002. The former selected the Edition of Lesantang as master copy, and the later selected the Edition of Huang Jishui as master copy. Referring to the researchers of the Ming Dynasty’s and Qing Dynasty’s scholar, the two works are very convenient for us. There are some shortage of punctuations and collations in these two works. Therefore, referred to the edition of the four series, Epoch of Eastern Han recorded in the Complete Library in the Four Branches of literature, History of Eastern Han and other relevant documents and papers handed down, the author tide up and correct the errors and problems of punctuation such as misuse and missed in these papers.

【关键词】 《后汉纪》引文版本校勘
【Key words】 Epoch of Eastern Hanquotationeditioncollation
  • 【分类号】G256.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】105

