

Study on Preparing Strategies of Mechanics Experiments

【作者】 李尊营

【导师】 李艺;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 应用先进的教育技术,借助高科技手段,制作详尽的力学实验多媒体教学课件并放在校园网上,供学生预习时访问浏览,以改善预习效果,提高实验速度,增进实验效率。高校扩招突出了教学资源与学生需求之间的矛盾,也暴露了传统力学实验教学方法存在的弊端。针对这些问题,采用行动研究法研究了处理这些问题的方法和策略,以提高教育质量,提高毕业生综合素质。①充分利用Internet上的资源,充实教材,扩大知识面,改进多媒体课件。②通过仪器数字图像增强学生对仪器的感性认识。③采用声像、影视技术模拟实验过程。④采用网络技术,建立实验网站,将数字图像,录像等电子文档放在网站上,让学生自由访问。结果发现,通过图像增强学生对仪器设备的感性认识,实验速度大幅提高,实验用时由原来的4课时每组减少到3.5课时每组。通过音视频模拟实验操作过程增进学生对实验操作的感性认识,进一步提高了实验效率,由3.5课时每组减少到3课时。通过互联网传播多媒体课件,由3课时每组减少到2.5课时每组。采用先进的多媒体技术制作详尽的实验教学多媒体课件,通过网络技术向学生传播,提高了实验效率,缓解了高校扩招带来的教学资源与学生需求之间的矛盾,克服了传统力学实验教学方法存在的弊端。

【Abstract】 In order to increase experimental speed, and improve experimental efficiency, teaching multimedia coursewares of mechanics experiments were produced in detail aided with advanced educational technology and high-tech techniques. The coursewares were transformed into net pages and released by school intranet.The disparity between teaching resource and student requirement in universities got higher and higher when recruit students expanded more and more. At the same time, the defects in traditional teaching methods of mechanics experimentation became more and more obvious. The proceeding study technology was applied to processing these problems in order to improve teaching quality and increase graduates’ integrative abilities. The first, we took full advantage of internet resource to enrich teaching materials, enlarge knowledge fields, and improve multimedia coursewares. The second, we intensified students sensibility knowledge of the apparatus by their digital pictures. The third, we simulated the experiment process with acoustic and video techniques. The last, we build an experiment net station with the digital pictures of the apparatus, and record of experiment manipulations.As the result, experiment progress was speeded more quickly by digital pictures of apparatus, which enhanced students sensibility knowledge of the apparatus. It took per experimental group only three hours and a half and to complete experiment against four hours before. The experiment progress was further speeded by experiment manipulations video, which increased students sensibility knowledge of the apparatus manipulation. It took per group two hours to complete experiment against three hours and a half before. With internet, the experiment progress was speeded much. It took per group two hours a half and to complete experiment against three hours before.With advanced multimedia technology, multimedia coursewares of mechanics experiments is produced in detail and broadcasted to students with internet. The effect of experiment preparation is improved much, and experiment efficiency is increased deeply. Therefore, The disparity is relaxed between teaching resource and student requirement in universities derived from recruit students expanding. The defects are tided over in traditional teaching method of mechanics experimentation.

  • 【分类号】O3-4
  • 【下载频次】124

