

【作者】 王琪

【导师】 黄和新;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 宪法学与行政法学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 面对市场竞争日益激烈的局面和经济全球化的内在需要,面对《反垄断法》的出台和“大部制”改革的推进,网络型产业反垄断的问题再次引起激烈的讨论。政府监管与反垄断法规制的演变与更迭,让我们重新思考如何构建网络型产业规制的合理模式。除前言与结语以外,本文由三部分组成:第一章阐释网络型产业的概念和介绍网络型产业的传统监管模式。首先介绍了网络型产业的概念和特征。然后介绍网络型产业的传统监管模式,严格政府监管的含义及其措施,政府在监管方面的自身优势和弊端,通过对原因的分析,为下文介绍反垄断法规制作铺垫。第二章分析网络型产业反垄断法规制的利弊。通过对反垄断法含义及价值目标的分析,指出反垄断法规制的必要性和其相对于政府监管的优势,同时指出《反垄断法》的模糊性和可操作性的缺乏使得反垄断法规制亦有不足。第三章论证网络型产业规制的综合调整模式。首先介绍综合调整模式的概念和必要性。然后通过对政府监管与反垄断法规制的对比分析,指出二者整合的可行性,二者是两种既相互补充又相互替代的制度安排,能够在网络型产业规制的问题上共同发挥作用。最后划分出政府监管与反垄断法规制的适用范围,指明政府监管改革的方向和反垄断法规制的完善,以及如何协调政府监管机构与反垄断执法机构的关系。

【Abstract】 Facing gradually fierce aspect of market competition and inherent need of economic globalization, facing Anti-Monopoly law appearing and "greater part " reforming moving forward , the monopolize problem in network industry arouses fierce discussion once again. The alternation and development of government’s supervision and the regulation of Anti-Monopoly law make us to think again that how to structure a rational pattern of network industry regulation.Except the preface and concluding remarks, the main body of the article be composes of three major parts: The first chapter expounds network industry concept and introduces the traditional supervision pattern of network industry. First introduces network industry concept and characteristic. And then introduces the traditional supervision pattern of network industry, the rigid government’s supervision’s concept and their measures, its advantages and abuses, later introduces the regulation of Anti-Monopoly law by the analysis to cause. Second chapter analyses advantages and disadvantages that the regulation of Anti-Monopoly law of network industry makes. By analyzing the concept and value target ion of Anti-Monopoly law, point out the necessity of the regulation of Anti-Monopoly law and its advantages opposing government’s supervision, at the same time point out mixing up of Anti-Monopoly law and being short of portability make insufficient in the regulation of Anti-Monopoly law. Third chapter proves synthetically adjustment pattern in the regulation of Anti-Monopoly law of network industry. First introduces the concept and necessity of synthetically adjustment pattern. And then makes the feasibility integrating of government’s supervision and the regulation of Anti-Monopoly law by contrasting between them. They are two kinds of system that both supplement mutually and replace mutually, they can make produce a marked effect commonly. Finally show the reforming direction of government’s supervision and perfection of Anti-Monopoly law, and how to harmonize the relation between government’s supervision organization and the Anti-Monopoly law enforcing organization.

  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】200

