

【作者】 时琳琳

【导师】 王珺;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 入职期是教师专业发展的关键环节。在入职期内,新教师能否顺利实现由新教师到合格教师的角色转变,不仅影响到他们的职业倾向和职业持久性,而且将会影响到他们整个职业生涯的专业发展模式,进而决定他们将成为什么样的教师。大量研究表明,处于入职期的新教师在课堂教学中所遇到的问题和困惑,尤其是课堂教学中的实践性知识,比其他阶段的教师显得更多、更复杂而且更困难。因此,根据新教师的专业发展需求,开展有针对性的关于课堂教学实践性知识的入职教育,也就显得更为重要。课堂教学视频案例研究是研究课堂教学的一种新途径。通过在新教师入职教育中应用课堂教学视频案例,可以让新教师观摩优秀教师的成功范例或者个人教学活动实例;从多个角度进行思考,结合切身经验进行分析和思考,形成多元回答,产生丰富的解决问题的方案;并通过对话与交流,反思自己的方案,从而建构起这一问题情境对于他们的独特意义。本论文通过文献调研和调查问卷分析新教师在课堂教学中遇到的困难和问题,从课堂教学视频案例的理论基础和优势入手,结合案例教学的方法,选取几个典型的课堂教学视频案例应用在新教师入职教育中;设计课堂教学视频案例用于新教师入职教育的应用方案;并通过相关实践,证明视频案例教学能够有效帮助新教师走出入职初期的困境,帮助新教师掌握课堂教学技能和技巧,丰富课堂教学实践性知识,提高个人课堂教学能力,以期帮助提高新教师入职教育的实效。课堂教学视频案例的应用成为新教师在入职教育中获得课堂教学实践性知识的新途径。

【Abstract】 The induction period is the key phrase in the teacher professional development process. Whether beginning teachers successfully realize the transformation from student of teaching to eligible teacher in inductive period will influence not only their occupational orientation and permanence, but also their professional development pattern in whole career, which will determine what teachers are like in the future. Large numbers of studies indicate that beginning teachers indeed encounter more difficult and complex problems than teachers in other periods, especially practical knowledge of classroom teaching. Therefore, it is more important to carry out targeted practical knowledge of classroom teaching in the inductive education for beginning teachers, basted on their professional development need.Studying classroom teaching video-case is a new approach to Study classroom teaching. Through the application of classroom teaching video-case, beginning teachers can observe successful examples of outstanding teaching and personal examples; ponder from various angles, with personal experience to analysis and reflection, and form multiple answers, rich solutions; Through dialogue and exchanges, and reflect on your own programme, thus beginning teachers construct the knowledge for their unique significance.This paper analyses the difficulties and problems which beginning teachers encountered in the classroom teaching through research and survey, basted on the theoretical foundation and advantages of classroom teaching video-case, with the case teaching method, select a few examples of classroom teaching video-case to apply into the inductive education for beginning teachers. Then design the application programme .The programme proved through practice can help beginning teachers out of the plight of the early induction period, master classroom teaching skills and techniques, enrich practical knowledge of classroom teaching, improve individual classroom teaching ability and the effectiveness of inductive education for beginning teachers. The application of Classroom teaching video-case will be a new approach to get the teaching practical knowledge in the inductive education for beginning teachers.

  • 【分类号】G451.1
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】832

