

【作者】 戴薇薇

【导师】 许永;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 新闻学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国大众传播媒介的迅速发展和长足进步,媒体之间的竞争日益激烈,媒介形象作为一个衡量媒体间差异的最直观的标准日益受到业界、学界的关注。媒介形象是一个内涵极其丰富的概念,涵盖了媒介的经济形象、技术形象以及文化形象等多个层面。它是媒介实体本身,同时更是社会公众和媒介内部共同建构的、有互动性并有二度生产效应的一种产品。它是公众对媒介最为直观的认知结果,又是媒体在对手林立的市场中能够“凸显品牌可辨识性、营造权威效果”、加强市场运作来借以彰显内在品质的最为直接的手段,也是突出与其他媒体间差异的最直观的标志。媒介的公信力问题长久以来一直作为兼具现实与理论意义的话题而被关注。因为它是大众传媒内在品质和外在形象在社会公众心中的综合体现,是衡量媒体权威性、信誉度和社会影响力的标准。随着近年来受众对信息的需求及对媒介认知水平的逐步提高,大众媒介公信力已成为影响媒介形象及媒介市场竞争力的重要因素。媒介公信力与媒介形象相互影响,密不可分。本文将从媒介公信力与媒介形象的关系角度入手,通过实例论证分析二者的相互关系以及在现在的媒介生态环境里,公信力与媒介形象所面临的新的挑战,探索克服复杂屏障并利用公信力打造优良媒介形象的途径,为媒体的良性发展提供现实借鉴。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development and the substantial progress of the Mass Media in China ,and the competition among the media is becoming increasingly fierce, Media Image as a measure of the difference between the most intuitive growing industry standards, academic concerns. Media image is a very rich connotation of the concept . It covering the image of the economic, technical and cultural and multi-faceted. It is the media entity itself, and also within the public and media to construct the common, interactive and production of a second product. It is the public’s awareness of the media most intuitive results . Also it is the media in numerous rivals to the market "can be highlighted brand recognition, create authoritative effects," and to strengthen the operation of the market to highlight the inherent quality of the most direct means. And it is the most visible signs between other media also highlighted the difference .The credibility of the media has long been a problem both practical and theoretical significance been the subject of concern. Because it is the inherent quality and external image of the mass media in the minds of the public showing. And it is a measure of the media authority, credibility and social impact standards. As in recent years the audience to the information needs of the media and gradually increase the level of awareness , the credibility of media has become an important factor affecting the media image and the media competitiveness . The credibility of media and the media image has mutual influence, inseparable . This paper will be the credibility of media relations with the media image of the start point of view. Through examples of the interplay of the two expositions, and the new challenges both faced in today’s media environment, I will explore ways of overcoming the complex barriers and building excellent media image use of credibility ,and provide real draw for the benign development of the media.

  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1362

