

【作者】 郭耿玉

【导师】 顾建军;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 从国际高等教育发展实践来看,高等教育从精英化到大众化再到普及化发展进程,也是高等教育类型逐步由过去单一的学科性体系逐步向学科性与非学科性并存的多样化体系发展的进程。发达国家和地区高等教育发展的经验表明,在国家逐步工业化、信息化和高等教育大众化过程中,积极发展“技术本科教育”,为地方经济和行业发展培养具有本科学历的高级技术应用型人才,已经成为相关国家高等教育进入大众化阶段后,实现人才培养类型拓展以及完善大教育体系的重要趋向。“技术本科教育”作为高等教育领域中的一种不同于传统普通本科教育的新类型,在发达国家以及我国的台湾地区的发展已日趋成熟,而在我国大陆还处于刚刚起步的阶段,但其发展的未来定向和社会的现实需求却是社会各界都普遍关注的焦点。本研究通过对国内外技术本科教育发展、研究现状的分析,结合我国中、高等职业教育发展的实际,在解读技术教育、技术本科教育等相关概念的基础上,借鉴发达国家和地区发展技术本科教育的经验,阐释了其对我国技术本科教育发展的启示:高等教育职业化、积极发展多学科技术学院、实现普职教育顺畅的衔接与沟通以及学校与企业之间紧密的产学结合等:通过对我国高等教育领域发展技术本科教育必要性分析以及对技术本科教育办学主体的梳理,从高校层面提出了制定知识与技能并重的人才培养方案、打造“双师型”专业师资队伍、构建多网络的专业技能实训基地和吸引行业组织积极介入人才培养过程等发展技术本科教育的具体策略;从国家宏观层面提出了建立和完善相关政策法规体系、技术本科教育评估体系、拓宽举办技术本科教育的高校的融资渠道和从政府层面为校企合作提供保障等一些政策性建议。

【Abstract】 From the practice of international higher education, the course of higher education’s development from elite to popular is also the course of higher education’s molds changes from the single disciplinary system to the multi-system which are both disciplinary and non-disciplinary. Higher education’s development in the developed countries and districts shows that, in the process of nation’s industrialization, informationization and higher education popularization, it becomes an outstanding trend to widen talents education types and to perfect the large education system by promoting technical undergraduate education to develop senior technical talents with bachelor degree for local economy and business. Being a new type of higher education, and a different form from the traditional ones, technical undergraduate education develops fully in advanced countries and Taiwan district. In China’s mainland, it just starts. But its developing direction and the social needs are generally focused on.By analyzing the present developing and research situation of technical education home and abroad, based on the reality of domestic middle and higher vocational education, using the experience of advanced countries and districts for reference, and with some concepts’ explanation such as technical education and technical undergraduate education, this paper explains the enlightenment given to our country’s technical undergraduate education, that is, to promote professional higher education, to develop multi-disciplinary technical college, and to realize the connection between general vocational education and higher vocational education, the connection between universities and enterprises. Also, with an analysis on the necessity of developing technical undergraduate education in domestic higher education, and on the thinking of education’s hosts, this paper, from the angle of universities, brings forward a specific tactics to develop technical undergraduate education, that is, making a both-knowledge-and-skill-important talents cultivation plan, building a double-mode professional teaching team, constructing multi-channel profession practice bases, and attracting other businesses to join in talents cultivation. Moreover, from the angle of the government, some policy suggestions are set forth, such as building and perfecting relevant law systems and technical undergraduate education evaluation system, broadening the financial channel, and government’s ensure to the cooperation between universities and enterprises.

  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】396

