

Inheriting and Developing Black Women Writing

【作者】 王益娟

【导师】 王晓英;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿和艾丽丝·沃克是美国文学史上著名的黑人女作家。尽管她们出生于不同时期,从未谋面,但她们所遭遇的相似的社会、经济和政治体验直接促成了她们共同的创作方式和主题。赫斯顿的代表作《他们眼望上苍》曾因缺乏黑人男性抗议文学的主题而遭遇严厉的指责。然而20世纪70年代后,经大批文学评论家的重新评价,该小说又因其表现了黑人妇女争取自由和寻找自我的主题被誉为黑人女性文学的经典之作。沃克在其代表作《紫色》中再现了这一主题,继续探讨了黑人妇女的理想生存状态。现当代许多非裔美国文学研究学者已经开始通过比较分析她们的作品来进一步探讨黑人女性文学的传统,其中刻画女性成长主题的小说《他们眼望上苍》和《紫色》更是评论的焦点。本文以这两部小说的主题和写作策略为切入点,试图探讨沃克与赫斯顿在黑人女性文学传统中的传承关系。通过分析《他们眼望上苍》与《紫色》中女主人公自我实现的历程,本文试图揭示赫斯顿和沃克在黑人女性写作传统的继承与发展发面所作出的努力。同时,通过对这两部作品中的女性人物形象,以及写作策略的对比分析,本文还探讨了二者之间的差异,指出沃克在《紫色》中塑造了更为现实的人物形象,提出了更为和谐的人类生存状态,从而进一步发展了黑人女性文学传统。

【Abstract】 Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960) and Alice Walker (1944- ) are claimed to be two of the most famous black women writers in the American literary history. Born in different periods, they never met each other. However, they display some common writing approaches and themes as a direct result of the social, economic and political experience they were obliged to share.Hurston’s representative work Their Eyes Were Watching God used to be criticized severely for not fitting into the mainstream of black male protest novels. Nevertheless, since 1970s, after the reappraisal of a number of literary critics, it is now generally acknowledged as one of the classics of black women writing for its theme of black women struggling for freedom and searching for self-expression. In her representative work The Color Purple, Walker reproduced the theme, and continued to explore the ideal living state of black women. A number of scholars of African-American literature have initiated their efforts to further explore the tradition of black women writing through a comparative analysis of their representative works, among which Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Color Purple are given much more priority.This thesis selects the theme and the writing approaches of the two novels as its basis, trying to explore these two black women writers’ efforts in inheriting and developing black women writing. By launching a brief analysis of the protagonists’ struggling efforts to assert themselves, the thesis attempts to reveal Hurston and Walker’s efforts in inheriting and developing the tradition of black women writing. Besides, the thesis makes a detailed contrast between Hurston’s and Walker’s female characters, and the writing approaches in the two novels, so as to display the differences between these two novels and point out that Walker has created a series of more realistic characters, and exhibited a much more harmonious living state of all human beings. In this way, Walker has not only inherited but also developed the tradition of black women writing.

  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】558

