

【作者】 李燕

【导师】 贺日开;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 宪法与行政法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 平等权之于人权,是基石;而就业之于民生,亦是基石。那么就业平等权便成为公民兼具政治性与社会性的重要权利之一。但是我国对就业平等权的保护不仅受就业歧视这一尚未有明晰规制的现象的困扰,还受到宪法司法救济不健全的制度阻碍。而宪法作为国家的根本大法,一般来说主要涉及两个核心问题:一是保障人权和公民的权利;二是规范和控制国家权力。而规范国家权力的根本目的还是落脚于保障公民的权利。由此可见,对公民权利给予充分的宪法保障是十分基本和必要的。我国宪法以及宪法性法律对公民就业平等权的规定与其他国家并无原则性的不同,但是对公民就业平等权的程序性及制度性保障却明显不足,这是公民就业平等权存在较大实践障碍的重要制度性因素。因此,本文试图就公民的就业平等权的宪法保障进行试探性地探讨,通过对平等权的理论探究衍生出对就业平等权的含义界定和性质分析,这是寻求就业平等权宪法保护的基础。借由对英美国家就业平等权宪法保障制度的分析,认清当前我国公民就业平等权宪法保障存在的主要问题在于对就业歧视缺乏有效规制和就业平等权宪法司法救济的空缺。我们应当借鉴其他国家的制度优势并进行本土性转换,确立公民对就业平等权寻求宪法保护和救济的基本理念,进一步完善反就业歧视的相关立法,构建就业平等权宪法保障的程序和制度。

【Abstract】 The Equality Rights to the human rights, is a cornerstone; and the employment to the livelihood of the people, also is a cornerstone. So the Equality Rights become one of the most important rights which have both of the political nature and the sociality. But in our country, the protection of Equality Rights of Employment is troubled by not only the discriminations of employment which have not been defined, but also by the not perfect system of Constitutional Protection. But the Constitution as the basis law of country, mainly has two values: one is protecting the human rights, and the other is controlling the power of the state. But the basic goal is the protection of civil rights. Thus, the constitutional protection of civil rights is very basic and necessary. The rules in Our Constitution and laws on the Equality Rights of Employment have not obvious different than other country. But the procedural protection of people’s Equality Rights of Employment is obviously not inadequate, which is the most important factors why the Civil Equality Rights of Employment have so many practice obstacles. Therefore this article attempts on the study of the protection of Civil Equality Rights of Employment, through the theory of the Equality Rights seeking the meaning and nature analysis. This is the foundation of finding the methods of the Civil Equality Rights of Employment. By the analysis of the Equality Rights of Employment in foreign countries, we should clearly recognize the mainly problems in the Constitutional Protection of the Equality Rights of Employment in our country are the lacks of effective rules of employment discriminations and the remedy of the Equality Rights of Employment. We must learn from other countries’ system superiority and institute the basic idea the Constitutional Protection of the Equality Rights of Employment, make great effort to complete the laws of prohibit the employment discriminations, and construct the system of the Constitutional Protection of the Equality Rights of Employment.

  • 【分类号】D922.5;D921
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】733

