

【作者】 刘鹏

【导师】 顾渊彦;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 南京师范大学是一所具有百年历史的高等学府,其前身可追溯到1902年的三江师范学堂(后改名为两江优级师范学堂)。1915年,在两江优级师范学堂的基础上成立了南京高等师范学校,1916年增设体育专修科,成为中国第一个开办高等体育专业教育的学校。论文运用文献资料法、历史考察法、专家访谈法、比较法等科研方法,对从南高师到南师大这一历史阶段的体育专业教育的历史演变进行研究。文章以历史为主线,对南高师体育专业教育的起源与产生、国立东南大学的体育专业教育、国立中央大学的体育专业教育、金陵女子大学的体育专业教育、南京师范大学体育专业教育的发展进行研究。研究的重点主要是学校各个时期的体育专业教育的历史沿革、体育思想及其历史贡献等方面。从南高师到南师大体育专业教育发展的各个历史阶段中,有着丰富的体育思想。从国立东南大学的麦克乐、陶行知到中央大学的吴蕴瑞、程登科、张汇兰等人,他们的体育思想蕴含了自然体育思想、军事化体育思想、女性本位的体育思想等。从南高师到中央大学,学校在我国的高等教育史上都占有重要的地位,是民国高等教育的支柱之一,其体育专业教育的演变,也从一定程度上反映了民国时期中国高等体育专业教育的发展方向。通过对南高师到南师大体育专业教育历史演变的研究,我们可以发现“南高师体育”为我国体育专业教育的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。它填补了我国高等体育专业教育的空白;为我国培养了大批的体育人才;积极宣扬先进的体育思想;推动体育的科学研究等。其中一些理论著作也为后人留下了宝贵的财富,一些体育思想和理论对当今的体育教育改革仍然有着重要的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Nanjing Normal University has a history more than 100 years, its predecessor was dating from Three Rivers Normal School which established in 1902. Najing Higher Normal School was founded on the basis of Three Rivers Normal School in 1915, and added the professional courses of physical education in 1916, it was the first school who founded the higher professional courses of physical education. By mean of literature interview and so on, the research will on the historical development of professional courses of physical education from Najing Higher Normal School to Nanjing Normal University.Taking the thread of history, the study will on the professional courses of physical education in Nanjing Higher Normal School, and National Southeast University, and National Central University, and Ginling Woman’s college, and Nanjing Normal University. The major of study will on the growing process and thoughts of physical education and historical contribution of professional course of physical education in each historical period .There were abundant thoughts of physical education from Najing Higher Normal School till Nanjing Normal University. Either Tao Xingzhi and McCloy in National Southeast University or Wu Yunrui and Cheng Dengke and Zhang Huilan in National Central University had their unique ideology of physical education, as naturalism and sport military and female standard of thoughts of physical education. From Najing Higher Normal School till Nanjing Normal University, the school took an important position in higher education history in China. In some extent, the development of its professional courses of physical education represented the direction of higher physical education in Republic of China.By the research on development of professional courses of physical education from Najing Higher Normal School to Nanjing Normal University, we conclude it made great contribution to the development of physical education in China. It filled a blank in higher professional courses of physical education; It trained a great deal of sports talents; It gave publicity to advanced sports ideology; It promoted the scientific study of sports, and so on. Some literatures of sports were valuable treasure for descendants, and some ideology and thoughts of physical education was the experience of the reforms of physical education at the present time.

  • 【分类号】G807.0
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】223

