

【作者】 朱晔

【导师】 金太军;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 中外政治制度, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 构建社会主义和谐社会执政目标的提出和对建立司法独立、司法公正的法治国家的强调,使得党委政法委员会处于一个较为敏感和微妙的地位而成为特殊的研究对象,在我国政法治理方式的研究中占有一席之地。本文通过对苏南C区政法委员会制度的个案研究,运用归纳和对比研究的方法,理顺并分析基层政法委员会与同级其他政法部门(主要是公安、检察院、法院)之间的微妙关系;透过其关系本质,并通过制度性的分析,提出对政法委员会恰当定位的可行性建议。本文在纵向理顺政法委员会制度发展沿革脉络的同时,重点对横向方面基层政法委员会与同级其他政法部门之间的权限责任关系在法定地位、财政权、人事权等方面做了尝试性的分析探讨,从而对基层政法委员会的定位及走向做出预判,得出结论:基层政法委员会虽有影响司法独立的嫌疑,但并没有能力实质性地影响司法独立和妨碍司法公正。并据此结论,在我国以社会稳定为最终治理效果目标的背景下,提出完善基层政法委员会制度的可行性方案。

【Abstract】 The announcement of building a socialist harmonious society as the goal of governance and the emphasis placed on building judicial independence and judicial justice as the basis of rule of law has rendered the Legal Commission of Committee of CPC a sensitive and subtle subject of research. It has now taken a substantive part in the research of judicial administration in China.This thesis studies case of the Legal Commission of CPC Committee in C district of south Jiangsu province, sort out and present the subtle relations between the grass root Legal Commission with other judicial and enforcement bodies(mainly including public security, procuratorate and court), and provide advices on the proper positioning of the Legal Commission based on institutional analysis. Meanwhile, the thesis reviews the historical evolution of Legal Commission, and discusses the mandate of Legal Commission with other judicial and enforcement agencies at the same level in terms of responsibility, finance and personnel so as to predict the future status of Legal Commission. The conclusion is, grass-root Legal Commission might be suspected to undermine judicial independence, yet it does not have the capacity of substantive affect judicial independence and judicial justice. China will make feasible plan of improving the institution of grass root Legal Commission with an aim at maintain social stability as the ultimate goal of governance.

  • 【分类号】D927
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】293

