

【作者】 宫晓波

【导师】 陈爱武;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 决定民事公益案件进入诉讼程序的主要障碍之一就是原告资格问题。目前我国司法实践中的民事公益诉讼案件,大多以起诉者没有原告资格为由裁定驳回起诉而结案。因此,要推动民事公益诉讼的建立和在司法实践中的有效运行,必须突破原告资格这一制度瓶颈。当代立法的趋势是放宽起诉资格的要求,越来越多的国家基于维护公共利益的考虑而逐渐拓宽原告主体资格。本文第一章进行了民事公益诉讼原告资格的理论分析,从传统民事诉讼原告资格出发,分析了扩张原告资格的法理基础,包括落实人民主权的需要、保护公共利益的需要、监控行政权力的需要和实现诉讼目的的需要。第二章进行了民事公益诉讼原告资格的比较法考察,考察了大陆法系和英美法系典型国家的民事公益诉讼原告资格制度,包括英国、美国、印度、德国、法国和俄罗斯,并进行了比较总结。第三章分析了民事公益诉讼原告资格问题在中国的现状,包括立法现状和实践现状,进行了概括总结。第四章对中国未来的民事公益诉讼原告资格的构建提出了自己的观点。提出了构建的基本原则,并分析了检察机关、社会团体和公民个人提起民事公益诉讼的主体资格。

【Abstract】 Plaintiff qualification is one of the main obstacles of starting the civil public interest litigation. Many cases have ended by rejecting the appeal for the reason that the prosecutor is not qualified as a plaintiff. Accordingly, the bottleneck of plaintiff qualification should be broken through for the purpose of developing and conducting civil public interest litigation. The modern legitimate tendency is towards relaxing the requirement of the plaintiff qualification. A growing number of nations, considering safeguarding the public interests, entitle their citizens to civil public interest litigation.The first chapter of this paper implemented the theoretical analysis of expanding the traditional civil litigation plaintiff qualification, starting from the traditional civil litigation plaintiff qualification, this chapter analyzed the legal basis of expanding the plaintiff qualification. The basis includes the need for the implementation of the people’s sovereignty, the need to protect the public interest, the need for monitoring the executive powers and the need to achieve the purpose of litigation. Chapter 2 carried on the inspection of comparative law, studied the civil public interest litigation system of typical countries of both Anglo-American law system and Civil law system, including UK, USA, India, German, France and Russia, and then carried on the comparison and conclusion. Chapter 3 analyzed the present situation of this problem in China, including the legislative status and practical status, and then carried on the summary. Chapter 4 proposed the legislative ideas of the civil public interest litigation plaintiff qualification for future China. This chapter proposed the constructing principle, analyzed the procuratorial organs, community groups and the citizen’s the plaintiff qualification to start the civil public interest litigation.

  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】296

