

【作者】 顾红艳

【导师】 蔡道通;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 绑架罪是我国1997年修订刑法时所新增的罪名。现行刑法颁布实施以来刑法学界对绑架罪的若干问题进行了激烈的争论并对绑架罪的立法完善进行了有益的探索。这些讨论的深入将有助于我国司法实践对绑架罪的正确认定而立法完善的探索将有利于我国刑事立法的进步。文章主要论述绑架罪构成要件的认定。首先,在对绑架的理解上,本人认为人质是绑架罪的显著特征和必要要素。在介绍了绑架罪的法益是被绑架人在本来生活状态下的身体安全与行动自由基础之上,本人认为绑架他人的行为必须违背被害人或者监护人的意志,同时绑架行为必须达到被害人实际被剥夺或限制人身自由的状态或者身体安全受到侵害的状态,而且绑架罪不以“使被绑架人离开原地”为必要条件。在分析了绑架罪的行为阶段与行为环节后,表明了自己支持单一行为说的基本观点。其次,论述相对刑事责任年龄人杀害被绑架人时的罪名与刑事责任问题。在对相关法律规定的理解以及学术观点分析基础之上,本人认为相对刑事责任年龄人杀害被绑架人时应以故意杀人罪追究其刑事责任。最后论述绑架罪犯罪目的的认定,首先界定绑架罪为间接目的犯,勒索财物型绑架罪的犯罪目的是向第三人勒索财物,人质型绑架罪的犯罪目的是要求第三人为或不为某种行为,二者的实质都是以“人质”为要挟促成不法目的的实现。然后论述了犯罪目的的几种外在表现,要综合分析各种客观表现来认定犯罪人的主观目的。绑架罪与非法拘禁罪的区分在于绑架罪的犯罪目的是勒索财物,而非法拘禁罪的犯罪目的是索取债务。

【Abstract】 The crime of kidnapping is a new charge added into the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China(revised in 1997).Since the promulgation and cnforcement of the current criminal law,educational circles of criminal law have been carrying on spirited debates over several problems about the crime of kidnapping and have been undertaking beneficial guests for the l(?)gislative improvement of the crime of kidnapping.These thorough discussions will be helpful to the correct determination of the crime of kidnapping in the judicial practice and quests for the legislative improvement will benefit the progress of the criminal legislation.The mainly point of the thesis is about the determination of constitutive elements of the crime of kidnapping.Firstly discuss the determination of the criminal act of the crime of kidnapping.The necessity main factor of the crime of kidnapping.In the introduction,the benefit of the offense is the victim under original life appearance of the body safety and the freedom of movement,I think the behavior that kidnap others to have to disobey victim perhaps the will of the guardian of a minor, kidnap behavior and have to attain victim in the meantime actual drive the appearance of the deprival or the restriction human body freedom perhaps body the safety is violate of appearance, and kidnap offense and take"make the victim person to leave" as essential condition. At analysis kidnap the behavior stage and the behavior link of the offense after, enunciation oneself support the one behavior of basic standpoint.Secondly put forward my own views about the crimimal liability of a person who has reached the age for relative criminal responsibility on the basis of the understanding of the aggravating constitution of the crime of kidnapping. At lightness related law provision of comprehend and academic standpoint analysis foundation on, oneself think the opposite pertaining to crime responsibility age a person to kill to be kidnap a person should for this reason the idea murder charge pursue its pertaining to crime responsibility.Lastly discuss the determination of the criminal purpose of the crime of kidnapping. The define kidnap offense to make for the indirect purpose first, extort the wealth and properties type kidnap offense of crime purpose is to three people extort wealth and properties, the hostage type the crime purpose that kidnap offense is a request three artificial or don’t is a certain behavior, two substance of all take"hostage" as to coerce a realization of help realize the illegal purpose.Then discuss the crime purpose of a few outside performance, want to be comprehensive analysis various objective performance to affirm the person’s subjective purpose of crime.Kidnap offense with illegal imprison offense of the distinction lie in the crime purpose that kidnap offense to lie in extorting wealth and properties, rather than the method imprison the crime purpose of the offense to lie in obtaining obligation.

  • 【分类号】D924.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】192

