

【作者】 韩燕乐

【导师】 黄和新;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 社会要进步,城市要发展,老城要改造,新城要开发。在城镇化快速发展的今天,城镇房屋中危旧房屋和不符合城市规划的房屋被拆迁的事实不可避免。然而由于安置补偿等因素,使得拆迁当事人之间达不成安置补偿协议的情形司空见惯,为保证拆迁的顺利进行,因此产生了强制拆迁制度。强制拆迁分为司法强制拆迁和行政强制拆迁两种。前者需要有拆迁当事人安置补偿协议的存在,因被拆迁人违反协议拒不搬迁从而由拆迁人申请仲裁或者提起诉讼,由法院实施强制拆迁。后者则是在拆迁当事人达不成补偿安置协议时,由当事人申请行政裁决后启动。由于行政强制拆迁的行政强制性和利益群体的复杂性,使得其在具体的实施过程中更容易呈现出侵害相对人合法利益的不法状态,所以本文主要以行政强制拆迁作为研究对象做出阐释。强制拆迁实体意义上正当前提或者说目的性前提应该只能是“公共利益”,其实施主体应该也是有着严格资质要求的单位,由政府部门指定或者是由人民法院来组织。此外,强制拆迁有其严格的程序,有合理的补偿原则。实践中,任何违背上述要求的强制拆迁都是非法强制拆迁行为。然而,在现实中各种因素的交织使得不法强制拆迁屡见不鲜。非法强制拆迁的产生,制度本身的不完善是内因,有法不依、执法不严是外因。要规范强制拆迁需要双管齐下,还需要官民共建,唯有这样,才能真正实现和谐拆迁,构建和谐社会。

【Abstract】 The society is making progress, the city is developing , then the old castle town would be transformed, the new town would be developed. Urbanization is in fast development, house in danger or old house and the house does not conform to the urban planning in the cities, are inevitably be demolished. However, because of replacement and compensation , the litigants can not reach the agreement is common.There are two kinds of compulsory demolition, one is judicial, and the other is administrative. The first one needs the demolition litigants to achieve a agreement of placement and compensation, while the human relocated break the agreement, the other litigant is possible to make a lawsuit, then the court can implement compulsory demolition. Administrative compulsory demolition is arising from a administrative ruling which the litigant applied for in the case that the litigants can not achieve any agreement. Because of administrative compulsory demolition is compulsive and complicated, we just take this kind into consideration.The only substantive premise or objective premise of compulsory demolition should be "public interest", and the unit to implement should be strictly qualified by court or government. Besides, compulsory demolition should also possess its own strict procedure and reasonable compensation principle. Any behavior that against those rules is illegal. However, it is common because of many factors in reality.The arising of illegal compulsory demolition, both lies in the internal mechanism and external carrying out. To regulate compulsory demolition, we should solve the problem both internal and external, and meanwhile, we also need the government and the citizens’ cooperation. Only do this, can we realized harmonious demolition and harmonious society.

  • 【分类号】D922.181
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1113

