

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 程德文;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 诉讼法学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 以程序法为依据,针对刑事诉讼中的程序性争议向中立的第三方提出主张或提出程序性申请,以期维护或实现被追诉者程序性权利的辩护为程序性辩护。权利内容由申请或异议权等方面的权利构成,程序性辩护的权利客体涉及程序性争议及程序性申请两大方面。程序辩护是刑事诉讼民主、文明的体现。在我国,无论是诉讼理论还是司法实践对程序辩护的关注都不足。尤其是审判前程序中的辩护,因侦查程序的高度封闭和警察、检察官与案件结局的明显利害关系以及缺乏中立第三方的裁判机制等原因而失去存在的空间。辩护制度改革的根本出路不是增加辩护权利的外延和规模,而是确立基本的权利救济机制。当前我国程序性辩护制度的重构还面临很多现实困境和体制上的障碍。因此,有必要对程序辩护的涵义、内容、价值、以及在我国的构建做深入分析,进而提出完善程序辩护的对策建议。本文主要以律师作为程序性辩护的主体来论述程序性辩护问题。

【Abstract】 The procedural defense is a type of defense the purpose of which is raising a claim or procedural application aiming at procedural dispute in criminal proceedings to protect or realize the procedural rights of the accused based upon the procedural law. The right contains some aspects such as application and opposition, object of the procedural defense right involves two main categories of procedural dispute and procedural application. Procedural defense is the embodiment of the democracy and civilization of criminal procedure. In our country, both procedural theory and judicial practice pay little attention to procedural defense. Especially because of the high secrecy of the investigation procedure, the apparent interest of police and prosecutors in the outcome of the trial, and the lack of neutral arbitration mechanism, the criminal defense in pre-trial procedure has lost its living pace. The fundamental solution to the problems encountered in the reform of criminal defense system lays in the establishment of basic mechanism for the remedy of rights. Certainly, to do so, China must solve many practical problems and get over some systematical obstacles. So, it is necessary to analyze thoroughly the connotation, contents, and value of the procedural defense, and put forward some suggestions to improve procedural defense.This dissertation regards the lawyers as the principal part to discuss procedural defense.

  • 【分类号】D925.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】232

