

【作者】 丁鹏

【导师】 陈吉德;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 电影学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 本文所指的旧上海题材电影,特指20世纪80年代以来大陆和港台以20世纪30年代前后的上海为主要表现对象的影片。20世纪80年代以来大陆和港台电影界兴起的旧上海题材电影不仅仅是电影人对30年代前后上海城市身份的一种怀念,亦非仅仅是一种怀旧的情怀和流行的题材。实际上它反映出了变革中的社会、经济、文化的形态,表现出了电影艺术家们的某种精神立场和价值取向。本文除前言和结语部分以外,共分为三个部分:第一章,旧上海题材电影综述。首先追溯了20世纪80年代以来大陆和港台的旧上海题材电影,在详尽梳理和系统考查的基础上对其进行了简要的分类;此外,还对大陆、香港和台湾电影界旧上海题材电影兴起的社会文化根源进行了深入的分析与比较。第二章,镜像中的城市——论电影中的旧上海形象。这一章首先全面的分析了旧上海题材电影呈现出的“旧上海”形象,它是一个国际化、消费化和世俗化的社会形象,同时又是一个想象化的意象空间形象;随后结合影片中常见的公馆、公寓、弄堂、舞厅等具体的空间意象分析了这些空间意象在影片中所代表的意蕴;最后联系旧上海题材电影中时常出现的具有代表性的“妓女”这一人物形象探讨了这一人物形象与上海的城市形象之间的关系。第三章,镜像中的记忆——论电影中的“上海怀旧”现象。对旧上海题材电影中具有怀旧意味的影片进行了系统的梳理,同时也对“上海怀旧电影”所呈现出的三种怀旧形态,即回归式怀旧、反思式怀旧和认同式怀旧进行了全面和深入的分析。本文试图在全面考查20世纪80年代以来的旧上海题材电影的基础上,系统而深入的分析旧上海题材电影揭示出的上海城市面貌和城市精神,以及折射出的上海这座现代化大都市社会、文化、价值观在转型时期的形态、意义与走向。

【Abstract】 The old Shanghai theme movie in this article particularly refers to the movies made in the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan around the 1930s since the 1980s. The old Shanghai theme movie has emerged in the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan since thel980s, which is not only a memory to the old Shanghai city but also a mood and a popular theme which one can remember the past. In fact it reflected the shape of society, economics and culture in the transformation, and it has displayed some kinds of standpoint and the value orientation of the movie artists.There are three parts besides the foreword and summary. Chapter 1: general narration about the films based on the theme of old Shanghai. First it has traced the old Shanghai movie made in the mainland; Hong Kong and Taiwan since the 1980s. Then classify them on the basis of comprehensive description and systematic examination. Furthermore, how do the mainland, Hong Kong and the Taiwan movie circle old Shanghai theme movie emerge? This chapter has carried on a thorough analysis and comparison to its social cultural root. Chapter2: a city in the mirrorimage--comment on the image of old Shanghai in the movie. This chapter firstcomprehensively analyzes "the old Shanghai" image presented the movies, The old Shanghai is an international, the expense and customable social image, meanwhile, it is also is an imaginable space image; Next, analyze what these spatial images represent according to the concrete spatial images appearing in the movie such as the mansion, the apartment, the alley and the ball. Last, By relating to a representative "the prostitute" appearing in the old Shanghai theme movie, this chapter discusses the relationship between this character image and Shanghai’s city image. Chapter3:memory in the mirror image--comment on the phenomenon of feelings aboutShanghai in the movie. Systematically deal with the movies which have the meanings of remembering the past. At the same time, make a full and deep analysis about the three shapes, the memory of returning, the memory of reconsideration and the memory of approval.This article is trying to analyze the appearance and the spirit of shanghai promulgated by the old Shanghai theme movies comprehensively and thoroughly on the basis of examine the movies since the 1980s, so that we can find out the shape, significance and trend of Shanghai’s society, culture and value, a modern metropolis in the reforming time.

  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【下载频次】408

