

【作者】 李越阳

【导师】 王敏;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 法学理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对社区矫正制度进行比较分析,可以看出,与西方相比我国社区矫正目前突出的问题是适用率的低下,而且运行效率不高。社区矫正在我国的引入,不仅仅是刑罚执行制度的改革,更是代表了现代刑罚理念的更新、刑罚发展的基本趋势、刑法运作机制的优化。社区矫正的进一步发展必将会对我国整个刑罚制度产生影响。从社区矫正制度角度考察,我国刑罚体系存在重刑主义倾向明显、非监禁的轻缓刑种太少、惟一的限制自由刑——管制刑几乎处于名存实亡的状态。因此应引进社区服务刑丰富我国刑罚体系,同时以社区矫正为契机改进管制刑。社区矫正的实施,为一项重要的量刑制度——审前人格调查制度在我国的构建奠定了基础,反过来,审前人格调查对社区矫正的正确适用又具有重要的保障作用。缓刑和假释都是历史悠久的社区矫正项目,从社区矫正的角度看,这两个制度在我国都存在着低适用率的问题。对缓刑与假释制度进行科学的改革,充分发挥这两个制度在补救监禁刑之不足方面的功效,对社区矫正在我国的发展具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 Through comparative analysis of the Community Correction system, we can see compared with the West that the current outstanding problem of China’s community correction is the low rate of application, and operating efficiency is not high. The introduction of Community Correction in our country is not only the reform in the execution of punishment system, but also on behalf of updating the modern idea of penalty, the basic trend of penalty development, the optimization of operating mechanism of the Penal Code. Community Correction on China’s further development will certainly have an impact on the whole penalty system.From the perspective of the community correction system, the tendency of heavy punishment is obvious, the kind of punishment of non-custodial is too little, the only penalty of restraining freedom -control punishment is in a state of almost exists in name only. Therefore, we should introduce community service penalty to enrich our punishment system, take the Community Correction as an opportunity to improve the control punishment at the same time. The implementation of Community Correction has laid the foundation for the building of a important sentencing system- personality of the pretrial investigation system in our country, conversely, pretrial investigation on the personality has an important role in safeguarding of the correct application of Community Correction. Probation and parole is a long history of the Community Correction project. From the point of view of Community Corrections, these two systems exist the problem of low rates of applies in our country. The scientific reform on probation and parole system, giving full play to effectiveness to remedy the inadequacies of custodial penalty, is of great significance of the development of Community Correction in our country.

  • 【分类号】D924.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】265

