

【作者】 江霄

【导师】 彭耀春;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 电影学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 北野武,日本著名电影导演、演员、电视节目主持人。自1989年执导第一部影片《凶暴的男人》开始,北野武先后导演了13部电影作品,他的电影作品在国际和国内影坛上获得过大大小小许多奖项。凭借这些荣誉,北野武成为日本电影史上继黑泽明、大岛渚、沟口健二、小津安二郎、今村昌平之后的最受欢迎的导演之一。北野武的电影作品基本上都是自编、自导、自演的,这样使得这些电影在最大程度上保证了自己思想、观念的呈现。由于日本独特的岛国地理环境和国家地域狭小,使得日本人天生没有安全感,他们心中压抑的愤懑之情无处宣泄,因此选择流浪、漂泊来表达自己对于社会的看法和无奈之情。同时,北野武的父亲在他很小的时候就离家出走,母亲和大哥承担起养家的重任,这种童年的背景使得北野武对于流浪有着很深的感情,所以笔者从母题的角度来分析北野武电影中的流浪情怀。北野武几乎每部作品都渗透着暴力美学的痕迹,就连最唯美的《那年夏天,最宁静的海》和《玩偶》也充满了暴力,但那种猛然爆发的、扼杀美好事物的暴力显得更加惨烈。沉默是北野武电影暴力美学风格的最显著特征,他的暴力是突如其来的,是一种让人来不及接受、来不及反应就已经结束的暴力。由于流浪的母题和暴力的美学风格使得北野武的电影作品显现出一种阴郁、冷静的视听语言风格,“北野蓝”就是理论界对其电影作品语言风格的富有创意的表述。

【Abstract】 Takeshi Kitano, a famous Japanese film director, actor, TV presenter. Since 1989 the first movie "violent cop" directed by Takeshi Kitano, he has directed 13 films. His works received many awards in the international and domestic movie circles. Depending on these honor, Takeshi Kitano becomes one which of the best directors after Heizeming, Nagisa Oshima, Kenji Mizoguchi, Yasujiro Ozu, Shouhei Imamura in the Japanese movie history.Takeshi Kitano’s films are basically self-wrote, self-directed and self-performed, so he assured that his thoughts and ideas can be presented integrally through the movie. Because of the unique geographical environment of Japan, the narrow island condition give the feelings of insecurity to the Japanese people, the suppressed feelings in their minds can be expressed nowhere, so they choose wander from place to place in order to convey their view about the society and their feelings of helplessness. At the same time, Takeshi Kitano’s father had left the family when he was a young boy, his mother and eldest brother undertook the heavy responsibility which supports the family, this kind of childhood’s background give the deep feelings about wandering, so the writer wants to analyze the wandering feelings in the film of Takeshi Kitano by the motif. Most of the Takeshi Kitano’s works are permeated with the aesthetics traces of violence, even the most aestheticism "A Scene At The Sea" and "Dolls" are full of violence, although the violence can’t be seen easily, the violence just be a kind of power to ruin the beautiful things, so this kind of violence must be more miserable. Silence is the notable features in the Takeshi Kitano’s violence film, in the film, the violence happened suddenly and there was no time to accept and react by the audience. Because of the feelings about wandering and the sudden violence, Takeshi Kitano’s films have showed the gloomy, cool audio-visual language style. Therefore, "Kitano blue" is the most creative statement given by theoretical circle.

【关键词】 流浪死亡暴力沉默北野蓝
【Key words】 WanderDeathViolenceSilenceKitano blue
  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】771

