

【作者】 张群娣

【导师】 张伊娜;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 阅读通常被认为是四项语言技能中最重要的,因为阅读是外语学习中获得语言输入的主要方式,因此阅读教学就成了高中英语教学的重要组成部分。大量研究表明,阅读策略不仅可以提高学生的阅读理解能力,还能有效培养学生自主学习的能力。然而,随着英语学习的推进,学生中的两极分化现象相当明显,以致于进入高中以后,部分学生开始丧失英语学习的兴趣和信心,渐渐地,他们的英语水平变得更加糟糕,最终成为高中英语学困生。基于阅读在语言学习中占有的地位,本文作者首先通过问卷的方式,了解高一学生英语学习情况,掌握高中英语学困生的阅读习惯;然后通过高中英语阅读策略使用情况的问卷调查,找出影响英语学困生阅读能力提高的因素,并以此为基础,制订旨在帮助学困生走出困境的阅读策略培训计划和实施方案。为了检验培训方案的有效性,研究者选取了两个研究小组:实验组和对照组。实验组学生参与了为期6周的相关策略培训和阅读训练。培训结束后,实验组和对照组学生参加阅读测试。前后测数据被用来分析检验策略培训对提高英语学困生阅读能力的影响,以期找到帮助英语学困生提高英语阅读能力的有效方法。培训结果显示:阅读策略培训在一定程度上增强了英语学困生在学习过程中的策略意识。随着学困生阅读能力的提高,他们的阅读成绩也得以提高,最终验证了研究者的课题预想:阅读策略培训总体上对学困生英语学习有积极影响。

【Abstract】 Reading is generally believed to be the most important among the four language skills, as it is the major way of getting language input in foreign language learning. Thus the teaching of reading is regarded as one of the most important parts in senior English class . Much research has shown that reading strategies can not only improve the students’ reading comprehension ability, but also help cultivate the ability of autonomic learning.However, as the students advance with their English learning, the polarization among the students is so obvious that some of them may come to lose their interest and confidence and gradually their English becomes even poorer.Because of the position that reading holds in language learning, the writer of this thesis first tries to get some general ideas of how Senior One students are learning English and what their reading habits are by using a questionnaire. After that, a survey on their use of reading strategies is conducted to further investigate into the factors that contribute to the development of their reading ability, the result of which is used as the basis for the planning and implementation of a reading strategy training program in an attempt to help the weak English learners out of the difficult situation. In order to test the validity of the training program, the researcher uses two groups of students as the subjects of the research: an experimental group and a control group. After 6 weeks of strategy training, a reading test is administered for both groups and data are collected and analyzed to see the effect of the training program on the experimental group in the hope of finding an effective way to help those weak English learners.The result of this research indicates that the training program can enhance the awareness of strategies on the part of those who are poor in English. And, as the students’ reading ability is improved, their reading marks are a bit higher, which, in turn, as it is presupposed by the author of this thesis, has positive effect on their English learning in general.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1205

