

【作者】 崔建国

【导师】 汲智勇;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 随着2003年、2004年国家教育部的关于高校体育教育专业课程设置方案和主干课程教学指导纲要的颁布实施,武术类课程在教学目标、教学内容、教学理念、教学方式、方法等方面都产生了新的变化和发展。那么,高校体育教育专业武术类课程发展现状如何?存在哪些问题?如何应对和解决这些问题?对此进行调查研究,将有益于高校体育教育专业的武术类课程改革和课程教学质量的提高。本文运用调查法、访谈法对安徽省9所体育院系的部分体育教育专业学生及专业任课教师进行武术课程教学现状的调查,结合文献资料,运用数理统计,对安徽省体育教育专业武术类课程教学现状分析得出:教学指导思想不明确,实践和理论不相符;教学内容设置不合理,不能满足学生习武的需求;教学方法过于传统,缺少科学手段;忽视个体差异,考评方法不科学;“师范性”未能得到体现,忽视学生教学能力的培养;场地、器械不能满足课堂教学和学生课外活动的需求;缺乏应有的武术环境;武术专业师资分布不均衡、业务水平及业务素质有待提高等不足之处。针对问题,结合现代体育教学改革理论和现实依据,从更新教学观念,贯彻“素质教育”和“终身体育”教学指导思想;整合实践课武术教学内容,强调学生习武需求;改革传统教学方法和手段,优化武术课教学;突出师范性,注重学生教学能力的培养;加大武术理论学习,全面提高体育教育专业学生的武术素养;确立科学的评价体系,过程评价和终结性评价相结合;加大体育经费投入,营造武术氛围、实现课内外一体化;加强教师师德修养,同时建立武术教师培训和交流机制等几个方面对安徽省体育教育专业的武术课教学提出了改革建议,为更好的实现高校武术课程教学培养目标提供参考。

【Abstract】 New changes and developments have taken place in the teaching aims ,teaching content ,teaching concept ,teaching methods and teaching means of the martial arts courses in China since the ordination and implementation of the "Curriculum Arrangement and Main Courses Teaching Guiding Syllabus for RE. Majors of Higher Education "by the Ministry of Education in 2003 and 2004. What are the status quo of the martial arts courses for RE majors of higher education ? What are some of the existing problems ? What are some of the means to react to and solve these problems ? An investigation on these questions will contribute greatly to the improvement of the teaching quality and the reform of the martial arts courses for RE majors of higher education.Some students and teachers of P.E majors of nine schools in Anhui province are investigated or interviewed to find out the status quo of the teaching of martial arts courses in this research . Together with documents and data ,the status quo of the teaching of martial arts courses for RE majors in Anhui province are analyzed through the use of the method of mathematical statistics .In the analysis , the following problems have emerged : ambiguous teaching guiding principle causing incongruity between theory and practice ; irrational teaching content arrangement dissatisfying students’ need to learn martial arts ;prehistoric teaching methods lacking scientific means ;ignorance of individual differences leading to improper evaluation methods ; inadequate emphasis on teacher training causing ignorance of the cultivation of teaching skills for students ; inadequate teaching ground and facility dissatisfying both classroom teaching requirements and extra curriculum activities’ needs for students ;lacking of essential martial arts atmosphere ; the imbalance in the numbers of different martial arts teachers combined with urgent need for the improvement of both their professional level and quality .Aiming at these problems , based on the teaching reform theories and status quo of modern Physical Education , with an emphasis on providing references for the actualization of teaching aims of martial arts courses of higher education ,reform suggestions have been put forward from the following perspectives : updating teaching concept to practice such teaching guiding principles as "quality education" and "lifelong education"; integrating martial arts teaching content in practice classes to stress students martial arts learning needs ; reforming traditional teaching methods and means to optimize martial arts teaching ; highlighting teacher training to focus on the cultivation of students teaching ability ;promoting the learning of martial arts theory to improve overall martial arts accomplishment of P.E majors ; establishing scientific evaluation system to combine process evaluation with summative evaluation ; increasing fund for P.E facilities and creating martial arts atmosphere to integrate both in-lass and after-lassactivities; strengthening teachers moral culture; and setting up mechanisms for the training and exchange of martial arts teachers .

  • 【分类号】G852-4
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】381

