

【作者】 谈炜萍

【导师】 华明;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 电影学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 作为韩国当代电影的先锋代表,著名影评人和编剧出身的朴赞郁早在1992年开始电影生涯之时,就初步奠定了风格,题材是关于乱伦、复仇等亚文化,充斥着的残忍暴力,但这种暴力从精神层面和灵魂深处给人以影响。如果说这时候的朴赞郁还只是从感官层次上找寻拍摄经验,那么到了拍摄“复仇”系列阶段,就是朴赞郁真正显示本性和释放魅力的时期了。朴赞郁始终站在人道主义立场,对韩国社会非人道主义的体制和道德习俗给予了强烈的质疑,对这种生存环境下的人的本性和价值得不到承认导致最后的异化给予了深切的同情,他执着于对人性的探索,能够从善中挖掘出恶来,从恶中寻找出善的一面。他意欲摆脱传统电影创作方式的限制,追求独立的艺术表现手法,用灰色的眼睛观察身边的社会,残酷地记录着社会中一切不被注意的角落和个人,并通过富于戏剧张力的叙事方式和黑色影像风格来包装,献给韩国电影界和观众的是一道道丰盛的晚宴,给这个电影界注入了新鲜的生气。本文分为前言、正文和结论三个部分。前言对韩国电影目前在国际的影响、朴赞郁的创作特色、国内外研究现状和本文的研究方法等进行了简要的介绍。正文分为四个章节,第一章是就朴赞郁电影人物来分类论述的;第二重点探讨的是朴赞郁作品的主题内涵;第三章是关于朴赞郁作品的叙事策略,指出朴赞郁电影的成功与他会“讲”故事的能力分不开;第四章着重分析朴赞郁电影的视听语言风格。结论部分对朴赞郁的整个创作特色做出了总结,强调他在艺术和商业的双重成功以及他的创新思维,并指出他创作的局限性以及如何走出局限,由此带来一点对中国电影创作的启示。

【Abstract】 As a film criticist and writer, Park Chan-wook is vanguard representative of Korean contemporary film, as early as 1992 in his movie career , the feature of Park Chan-wook is established, its topic concerns committing incest、revenge etc, which is full of cruel violence, but this kind of violence influence the spirit and the soul of people. If Park Chan-wook is just to take experience from the shallow level of the sense organs at that time, he was real to show his natural character and release magic power in the series stage of the "revenge". Park Chan-wook always stick to the humanitarianism , gives great doubtness to the system and the moral of the non-humanitarianism Korean society, gives great pity to the distortment led by the human nature distort in this kind of living environment. He persists in digging out humanity and looking for evil from goodness. He tries to get away from the restriction of the traditional creation method pursues an independent art technique of expression. Park Chan-wook uses a gray eyes to observate the nearby society and record the forgotten place and people of the society ruthlessnessly .His movies were all rich in powerful recount method and black image style, which dedicated to the Korean movie and its audience, giving vitality to the film field.This thesis includes three parts: preface、text and epilogue. The preface outlines the influence of Korea films in tue international movie field in recent years, the features of Park Chan-wook ,present domestic and international research condition about Park Chan-wook .The text is divided into four chapters, the first chapter will discuss the charater in Park Chan-wook’s film: edge figures、angle image; The second chapter will analyze the theme of Park Chan-wook; The third Chapter is about the recount method of Park Chan-wook’ movies, pointing out that the success of Park Chan-wook’ movies is related to the his ability to tell stories; The last Chapter emphasizes the cinematic audio-visual language style of Park Chan-wook .The epilogue part will outline the whole special creational features, emphasize his dual success and creative thinking in the art and the business, and point out the limitness of his creation .Accordingly, it will guide the Chinese film creation.

  • 【分类号】J905.312.610.331
  • 【下载频次】419

