

【作者】 徐海英

【导师】 王雯;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 儿童早期是人的一生的基础,早期教育对于儿童发展具有积极意义。这对视障儿童来说也是如此。开展视障儿童早期关怀和教育,将更有效地补偿其视觉缺陷、开发其内在潜能,将极大地促进他们生理和心理更加健康而快速地发展。开展视障儿童早期关怀和教育是国际教育发展的一个重要趋势,发达国家和地区视障儿童早期教育已经做到从零岁开始。而在我国,由于种种原因,目前包括视障儿童在内的残疾儿童的早期教育儿乎处于空白,只有发达地区的少数视障儿童能够接受一年的学前教育,而国内盲校及相关特殊教育学校还未开设与幼儿教育有关的特殊教育,使得0~4岁的视障儿童教育缺失。毋庸置疑,早期教育对视障儿童的终身发展意义重大,有效开展视障儿童的早期教育迫在眉睫。借鉴国外的先进经验,结合我国实际,在实践中探索出有效的视障儿童早期教育的途径和方法,是本研究的主要目标也是主要内容。本研究主要采用文献研究法和行动研究法,全面搜集国内外视障儿童早期教育的资料,归纳整理,明确我国视障儿童早期教育的现状,分析我国视障儿童早期教育所存在的问题和不足;进而从理论上阐述视障儿童早期教育的重要性和可行性;最后,结合实践,结合典型视障儿童早期教育的实例,分别从家庭、学校、社会三个途径探索对视障儿童有效进行早期教育的具体方法。

【Abstract】 Childhood period is the foundation of a person’s whole life, education in early child period has a positive meaning to the children. This means the same to the visually impaired children. It is more effective to compensate the lost sight and to develop the potential ability inside by early child care and education, thus to speed up the visually impaired developing more healthy and more quickly either mentally or physically.Developing early child care and education is an important trend in the world, some developed countries and districts have already started the early child care and education for visually impaired children aged 0-4.But in our country, because of various reasons, early child care and education for the disabled include visually impaired children almost placed in blank, only few visually impaired children in developed areas can receive one year education before primary schooling. But some local blind schools and special education centers haven’t set up related courses for the visually impaired education, making the 0-4-year-old children education imperfection.No doubt, education for children with vision problems plays a significant role in their life development; it needs urgently to carry on the early child care and education for the visually impaired. Learning advanced experience from foreign countries, combining our country’s reality, investigating paths and methods that can reach the goal of teaching the visually impaired children effectively is the main target of this research, and is also the main contents.The study mainly adopted historical documentary research method and activity research method, collecting the data from the domestic and the international early child care and education for the visually impaired completely, inducing and sorting, explicating the present visually impaired education for early children conditions in our country, analyzing the problems and the disadvantages existed. It elaborated the importance and possibility from the researches, finally combined the typical models and found the concrete effective educating methods from family, school, society respectively.

  • 【分类号】G761
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】843

