

【作者】 张鹏

【导师】 赵杰;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 证据是诉讼的核心问题,所有的诉讼活动实际上都是围绕证据的搜集和运用进行的。现代社会飞速发展,诉讼活动中涉及的证据越来越复杂,鉴定结论作为一种重要的证据表现形式,在诉讼中发挥着越来越关键的作用。但是,鉴定结论作为证据形式的一种,同其它证据一样需要法官审查与判断。同时,鉴定结论的基本概念和特征、证据属性与诉讼功能,也决定了法官应该对其进行认证。法官在认证鉴定结论这一法律评价活动中,应当严格依照程序规则,在有关制度的约束下,依据经验法则和逻辑法则,对鉴定结论地加以审查与认定。目前,我国在鉴定结论认证方面存在不少问题,如缺乏相关的程序制度,所依靠的经验法则也存在一定的缺陷,法官整体职业素质的优良化程度不够,等等。这些问题使得法官对鉴定结论的认证难以达到科学化、规范化,使得鉴定结论的证据效能不能充分发挥。因此,如何结合我国的实际情况,分析我国鉴定结论认证方面存在的问题,并分析产生这些问题的原因,并针对这些原因提出改进鉴定结论认证的具体对策,便纳入了本文的写作内容。结合我国的实际情况,应该完善与鉴定结论相关诉讼程序和证据规则,如完善鉴定人出庭机制,完善鉴定结论的质证程序,完善鉴定结论的证据能力认证规则,完善鉴定结论的认证方式,完善对鉴定结论证明力的判断方法。只有基于完善的诉讼程序和证据规则,才能对鉴定结论进行正确的认证,才能发挥鉴定结论在诉讼活动中的作用。从而准确认定事实,公正处理案件。

【Abstract】 The evidence problem is the core problem of lawsuit, and all lawsuit activity revolves the evidence the collection and the utilization carries on in fact. The modern society swift development, the evidences of lawsuit activity is getting more complex, and the expert conclusion as one kind of important evidence plays more essential role in the lawsuit.But as one kind of evidence forms, the expert conclusion needs judge examine and judge with other evidence equally. At the same time, basic concept and characteristics, evidence traits and lawsuit functions of expert conclusion, also had decided judge should carry on the authentication to it. In this process of law appraisal, judge must examine the expert conclusion strictly according to the procedure rule and the related system’s restraint and the basis empirical rule and the logical principles. At present, our country has many problems in the verification of the expert conclusion, like lacking the related procedure system, depends upon the empirical rule also has certain flaw, judge the whole professional quality fine degree is insufficient, and so on. These problems cause judge to achieve the scientific style and standardization with difficulty in the verification of the expert conclusion, making it cannot display the expert conclusion fully the evidence potency.Therefore, how to unify actual situation of our country, analyzing problems of which the expert conclusion aspects exist in our country and these reasons, and aiming at these problems to propose that the improvement of the expert conclusion ,has integrated this article writing content.Considering actual situation of our country, we should consummate and the appraisal conclusion related legal procedure and the evidentiary rules, like consummating the expert to appear in court the mechanism, consummating the appraisal conclusion the questioning witnesses procedure, consummating the authentication rule of expert conclusion, consummating the authentication way of expert conclusion, consummating judgment methods of proof strength of expert conclusion. Only then basing on the perfect legal procedure and the evidentiary rules, we can carry on the correct authentication to the expert conclusion and display the expert conclusion in the lawsuit activity function. Thus we can achieve judicial fair goal fairly by recognizing the fact accurately.

【关键词】 鉴定结论认证审查
【Key words】 expert conclusionverificationexamination
  • 【分类号】D925
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】188

