

【作者】 刘晓丹

【导师】 张中原;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 外国作品进入我国中学语文课本已有80多年的历史了,也随着我国中学语文教育教学的改革而不断变革。新课改以来,我国中学语文课本出现了“百花齐放”的局面,外国作品在新课程语文课本中也出现了很多新情况。但是,外国作品作为语文课本中的一个特殊组成部分,一直没有得到我们应有的关注与重视。本文以人教版新课程中学语文课本中的外国作品为研究对象,分析了其选编思想、编排体系、选文情况等,并对这些方面及教学现状做了问卷调查,根据调查结果进行分析与思考,指出其优点与存在的问题,提出外国作品在中学语文课本中的性质、地位,提出建议:明确其选编思想多元化、编排体系规律化、选文原则具体化、教学内容与方式方法的多元化等。希望本文对语文课本编写者和工作在一线的语文教师有所帮助,同时,也希望引起更多关心语文教育的专家、学者、教师们更加关注和重视中学语文课本中这个特殊部分,使之更加完善,并在我国中学语文教育中更好地发挥作用。

【Abstract】 It is more than 80 years since the translated foreign literatures came into the textbooks of middle school in China, and the foreign literatures has been changing with the reformation of the Chinese education. With the course reformation, textbooks of Chinese in our country come forth variously, as well as the translated foreign literatures. However, as the special component of textbooks, the translated foreign literatures have not been given enough attention as they should be.In this dissertation, we investigate the NEW Chinese textbooks of middle school edited by Peoples Education Press, and analyze the thought of texts’ selection, the system of the texts and the materials selected. We investigate the texts’ current status of teaching as well as studying by questionnaire, and find out the superiorities and the deficiencies by the results of the investigations. We summarize the characters and the status of the translated foreign literatures in the middle school textbooks, and suggest that the diversification of texts selection thought, the orderliness of arrangement, the idiographic of selection principle, the diversification of teaching and teaching materials, etc, should be considered. We hope that this study may give helps to both editors of textbooks and teachers who stand in the front line. At the same time, we also expect that more attention should be paid to consummate the Chinese textbooks of middle school by the education experts, scholars and teachers, and let it play better roles in Chinese education of middle school.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】1132

